Who is your Lazarus?

Your Lazarus is the most important person in your life, the only son of your parents. He is the heir in your father’s house, the future of your family and its breadwinner. He is the beloved of God and the only male voice in your father’s house, the hope and the joy of your future existence. Any sickness against Lazarus can affect the whole family and can replace joy with sorrow. It can cause big problems in a whole city. Anybody or anything that is highly important to you can serve as your Lazarus. Your Lazarus can be a live, healthy parent, kid, or other relative who is willing to help you through life. Your Lazarus can be a tenacious buddy who is always willing to support you in life. He might be someone God placed somewhere to aid you with your current situation. Your wife or husband, who is very important to your well-being, could be your Lazarus. Your reproductive organ, leg, brain, or any other body part could be your Lazarus. Your career, business, marriage, or health are all possible examples.

Your Lazarus may be your movement into a particular place, a simple re-location to a city, just a simple crossover to another nation. Your Lazarus may be given admission into a particular school not just into any school. Your Lazarus may be your ministry, your pastor who is about to quarrel with you or you are about to quarrel with. Your Lazarus may be the baby you aborted seven years ago or you are about to abort. It may be an opportunity you are about to miss.

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You can even plan an attack on the Lazarus that God gave you. Your housekeeper, whom you may have treated like a slave, could be your Lazarus. Your Lazarus can be your half-brother or half-sister, whom you declined to assist in solving his or her problems or to accompany to school. Your Lazarus could be a junior employee in your office, your driver, or a servant.
One of your mistreated kids or a disdained son or daughter could be your Lazarus. Your Lazarus can be scorned, dismissed, and insulted without your knowledge. You can treat your adversaries like your Lazarus and perceive your Lazarus as your opponent. Your Lazarus might be sold without your knowledge. With your own hands, you may kill your Lazarus.

The woman whose hand you are refusing in marriage might be your Lazarus. Your hatred towards your Lazarus might be unfounded. You have missed your Lazarus if you were meant to live in Ghana but are currently residing in Nigeria and are set to pass away there. You have missed your Lazarus if you were to marry Christopher but instead choose to wed Sunday. You have failed in life and, at the same time, missed your Lazarus if, during your final time on earth, you were a local government provost when you were supposed to be an international figure.

Your Lazarus is anything, person or place that makes difficult things easy in life. It is a divine deposit or provision that makes the impossible, possible for your life. Your Lazarus is a divine deposit or provision that guides your career to the right destination. It is the glory formed by God to make things easy for you. Your Lazarus is the divine helper assigned to assist you in life. It is the divinely provided help, which, if you miss you cannot get quality help in life. I pray you do not miss your Lazarus.

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Prayers to Wake your Lazarus

  1. Any power contending with my Lazarus, die, in the name of Jesus.
  2. My Lazarus will not give up; my Lazarus shall win the battle, in the name of Jesus.
  3. My Lazarus shall not accept any defeat, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Satan shall not regulate my progress, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Every bird of death against my Lazarus, die, in the name of Jesus.
  6. My Lazarus shall not suffer confusion, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Any satanic worm in the blood of my Lazarus, die, in the name of Jesus.
  8. I fire back, every occultic arrow fired at my Lazarus, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Any power of witchcraft, bewitching my business, be frustrated, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Every satanic reinforcement against my Lazarus, be exposed to shame, in the name of Jesus.
  11. Every hidden oppressor against my Lazarus, be exposed to shame, in the name of Jesus.
  12. Evil arrester assigned to arrest my Lazarus, be arrested, in the name of Jesus.
  13. Oh Lord, arise and let the story of my Lazarus change, in the name of Jesus.
  14. Oh Lord, revive my dead Lazarus by your power, in the name of Jesus.
  15. Every stronghold of marine witchcraft, built against my Lazarus, collapse, in the name of Jesus.

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