5 Characteristics of a Good Man

You have most likely wondered: Do good men still exist today? Finding a good man in these times can be a challenge. It doesn’t help when individuals share some terrible experiences. Knowing how the choice of a life partner can utterly affect your life, you will definitely want a man who is generous, respectful, honest, hard-working, and most of all, believes in God. 

While you’re praying and trusting the leading of God in your search for a life partner, you have to discern their characters too. Have you just met someone and you’re not sure if he is a good man? Here are five characteristics you can look out for with scriptures.

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5 Characteristics of a Good Man

  1. He waits on the Lord (Proverbs 20:22): Allowing God to come first in his life is one of the defining qualities of a good man. He is dependent on God all the time, letting him lead him through every challenge and handle any problem that may come his way.
  2. He is self-controlled in speech (Proverbs 29:11): You can tell a lot about a person by how they talk. When he speaks, he maintains his composure and resists giving in to his rage, choosing instead to be watchful of how his words can affect those around him. Instead, he makes his point in a considerate way. He never speaks carelessly or lacks restraint when speaking.
  3. He walks in integrity (Proverbs 20:7): A good man has morals and is guided by them. He conducts himself in an honest and morally righteous way. People at his place of work often think of him as honest, and most of the time, his reputation precedes him.
  4. Good men are humble in spirit (Proverbs 29:23): In today’s society, where humility is often regarded as meekness or even weakness, a good man, however, does not treat those around him with disdain because he thinks he is better than they are. He treats each person with respect and treats them equally. He does not let his ego get in the way.
  5.  His joy is full, with only one wife (Proverbs 5:18-19): For a good man, love is pure, and he does not disregard or disrespect the idea of love. He recognizes the intentions of God for a man and a woman and is ready to spend his life with you and you alone. He is not put off by what other people say or what the world has to offer.

Now you know some characteristics of a good man to look out for. He may not be perfect, but he constantly seeks to be better. 

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