The Evidence of God’s Grace in Your Christian Life

A single day has been set apart in which God will judge the whole world. However, He has also made a way—the only way to escape from the judgment. The increase of peace, knowledge of God, and His son, Jesus Christ, is evidence of divine grace. The presence of God’s power, godliness, and manifestation of His precious promises are proof of God’s grace in a person’s life.

Being heavenly minded, having victory over worldliness and fleshly works, and having the image of Christ is evidence of God’s grace in your life. Likewise, an increase of God’s glory, change into God’s image, and Christ’s lifestyle are also evidences of God’s grace. The proof of God’s grace in your Christian life is seen only when it is manifested in righteousness by your life of holiness.

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The power of grace can bring salvation to the family. Grace can be discerned by the way you speak, respond to accusations, converse, love, faith, and purity. God sent His only begotten son to save the world and show them the way, the truth, and life. As such, you are an ambassador of Christ, with His eyes, ears, hands, and legs, representing Christ to spread the gospel to the entire world.

When grace grows in your life, there will be manifestations of gifts, clarity in confusion, growth in faith, unity, maturity, truth, and Christ-likeness. As a result, there will be deliverance from sin, salvation for the wicked, and a mass turning away from evil and death. The grace of God does not permit or give you the freedom to commit sin, like many false teachers teach today. Worldliness and the love of money are not the evidence of grace because they lead into the way of sin and destruction.

God’s grace also brings empowerment, freedom, and heavenly lifestyles on earth among believers. To come into the fullness of grace is to be like Christ in character, who is our perfect example and so it is wrong to compromise your faith or lower His standard if you have the full grace of God. God’s grace empowers you to live above sin, not in it. Therefore, it is your responsibility to be like Christ, and God has made all resources to be like Christ available.

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