God’s Infinite Power, Wisdom, and Presence: Knowing Him Before You Wait on Him

God’s Infinite Presence

God is INFINITE. He is everywhere at all times and in every situation. He is eternal, with no beginning and no end. No one can run away from God or go to a place where He cannot be found because He is everywhere. Before you were born, He was, and He is, and He will forever be. In heaven, even before He created heaven, God was, and after the creation, He still is and will ever be as He is. God is in hell, and He is the only one whom the fire in hell cannot affect. No matter the speed of the fastest aircraft or the strength of creatures moving in the air, they are as slow as a snail even at their fastest. The fastest movement in the sea is also slower because before they think of moving, God is already there in a split second (Psalms 9:2).

God’s Reach and Omniscience

God’s hand can reach to the ends of the earth and beyond, to places that science has not known and will never know. All the activities of the powers in the dark kingdom are more exposed to God than the brightest day. Night and day cannot hide anything from God, so it’s foolish to think there is a secret you can keep from Him. In the presence of God, darkness exposes everything within it. It’s a great privilege to know that you can communicate with God from wherever you are, and He answers immediately. Our God is the Highest, can never be brought under, and has never been brought under. This is the God who says we should wait on Him, the Most High who is higher than the highest (Revelation 4:8, 11).

God’s Immortality and Holiness

He is the Most Blessed and Potentate, who alone has immortality; to whom be honor and power forever. The four living creatures rest not day and night, saying, “Holy, holy, LORD God Almighty…” Note that the word translated as “beast” in Revelation 13:1 is therion, which means “vicious, wild beast,” referring to the antichrist. But these four living creatures are representatives of angelic beings (Ezekiel 1:5, 10, 13, 14; 10:12, 14, 15, 20; Isaiah 6:1-4).

The Worship of God by Angels and Redeemed Men

There are different orders of angels. They all worship God and minister to His holiness. They praise God, saying, “So finally, God gets all the glory.” Fallen angels and fallen men are forever banished from heaven. All rebels are out of sight. Holy angels and redeemed men now worship God. They pour out unceasing praise unto God in worship and adoration (Revelation 4:8-11; 5:9-14; 7:9-12; 11:16, 17; 19:1-9).

God’s Infinite Wisdom

Another attribute of God is that GOD IS ALL-WISE, and there is no problem He cannot solve (Psalms 104:24; Proverbs 3:19).

It’s indisputable that the earth and all that is in it emanated from God. His works are manifold, and He made them by His wisdom. He founded the earth in His wisdom without any contribution from evil forces or other creatures. In His understanding, He established the heavens without any human assistance. The wisdom of all the scientists, with all their discoveries combined, is lighter than nothing before even a dot of God’s wisdom (Daniel 2:20-21; Romans 11:33).

God’s Authority Over Kings and Times

Wisdom and might exclusively belong to God, without argument from any force. Only God can change times and seasons. He has removed powerful kings and can remove any king without notice or negotiation. He sets up kings, gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those who lack understanding. Because He created all and owns all, He can give to those who ask Him. He can make the most foolish person wise and make the wisest among men foolish. No one owns anything that was not given to them by the Owner and Creator of all. He knows everything from the root because nothing exists without His knowledge. No one owns anything permanently; He gives and takes because the depth of riches is determined by Him alone. He doesn’t share wisdom, knowledge, or understanding with anyone; He owns all and gives to whomever He chooses. This is the God who says we should ask, seek, and knock. It’s not a waste of time to wait on Him, and that is why you need to know Him before waiting on Him (Colossians 2:23; James 1:5).

The Call to Seek Wisdom from God

Seeking wisdom, knowledge, understanding, or anything outside of God is the greatest mistake anyone can make on earth. God is wisdom personified. James, a true servant of God, told the twelve tribes of Israel who were scattered abroad to focus their search for wisdom solely on God. He said, ‘If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God,’ and that is what we must do in this program. God, who sees the end from the beginning, through His servant James, gives you an express invitation to ask Him for wisdom.

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