I AM THAT I AM”: The Unchanging God Who Delivers

God’s Eternal Nature: “I AM THAT I AM”

In answer to Moses’ question, God responded and said, “I AM THAT I AM” is My name (Exodus 3:14; 6:3). He told Moses that He appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by the name of God Almighty, but not by His name JEHOVAH. None of the fathers of faith—Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob—knew God by the name JEHOVAH (Revelation 1:4). The meaning of JEHOVAH, as translated in the Old Testament, is the covenant God. JEHOVAH means the One who was, is, and is to come, the Eternal One (Hebrews 1:10-12).

God can never change; He is immutable, and no situation or circumstance can change Him. Right from the beginning, He laid the foundation of the earth, and heaven is His handiwork. God cannot get old, weak, or be destroyed; He is JEHOVAH and remains God. Other things will wax old like a garment and perish, but God remains the way He is (Psalms 90:2; 102:24-27).

The Power of Knowing God: The Key to Deliverance

God was already answering prayers before any mountain existed. God is older than the oldest because He created all things. You need to know this God because a lack of knowledge of Him will hinder your deliverance and deny you great things. Great people who don’t know God can be taken away in the midst of their joy or progress. But believers will be taken away from joy to eternal joy and everlasting peace. We are surrounded by powers that hate our existence, and our only Savior is this God. In all generations, He remains God and can never change because His nature is unchangeable (Malachi 3:6; 3:17).

What He said yesterday is unchangeable because even His word is God that does not change. By telling Moses that He is the “I AM THAT I AM,” He meant that His promises to Moses would be fulfilled, no matter how strong Pharaoh was. By introducing Himself to Moses with His name “I AM THAT I AM,” He was saying, “I will not stop or end until I finish Pharaoh.” God was serious when He told Moses to confront Pharaoh and tell him, ‘Let My people go.’ He wanted to stop the cries of the children of Israel and take them to the Promised Land (Exodus 3:7-8).

God’s Deliverance for You Today

Now, God is no longer speaking to the children of Israel but to you. He wants to stop your oppression and deliver you from whatever bondage you are in now. He wants to visit the garden of your life and kill every serpent in it. He wants you to start building the ark of your salvation because you must not die in the evil flood. God wants to take you away before Sodom is destroyed (Genesis 50:18-21). God wants to promote you above all those who hate and wish you dead. He will cause your enemies to come and bow down before you. All your dreams of greatness must come to pass, and you will rule over all your enemies. The purpose of this program is to make you great and to lift the name of God above every other name in your life. Whatever is called a problem, oppression, etc., will bow down at the mention of His name. The great “I AM THAT I AM” will confront and destroy all your problems (Exodus 12:30-33).

Embracing Freedom: Your Time for Victory

In reading this article, all your enemies must be stopped. Your Pharaoh will unconditionally release you and let you go to your place in life. You will rise, cross your Red Sea, and walk out of all bondage. God will not allow you to die in this condition—no, it’s not in His nature to do so. No more delay, no more negotiation with Pharaoh because this is your time of deliverance. This is the time to awake, to put on your strength and your beautiful garment. You must shake off anything that is holding you down and walk out in freedom (Isaiah 60:1). You must arise, for the light of your deliverance has come, and the name of God, “I AM THAT I AM,” is standing before your Pharaoh.


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