The Unshakeable Conviction in Sacrifice
Abel was sure that God would accept his sacrifice before he engaged himself in carrying out such sacrifice. That was why he refused to compromise with his brother Cain even unto death (Genesis 4:2-4, 8). Abel knew that his sacrifice would please God and bring respect to him. Even when his brother threatened to kill him, he didn’t budge. If you are going to join us in this fasting, in waiting upon God, you must be convinced with unshakeable decision (Genesis 5:13-14, 22).
Noah’s Complete Trust in God’s Word
When Noah decided to build the ark, he was convinced that he was doing the right thing. As a result, he invested all that he had and did all that God told him to do. Noah was the only person who didn’t cry, regret, or die in the time of trouble. His generation perished for not obeying God’s word because they never believed that God was able to save the world through the ark. Also, those who joined Noah were saved because they believed in God. If you must join us to wait on God in this program, you must know God. Abraham answered the call of God because he believed that God is able to keep the promises, He made to him (Joshua 21:43-45).
Abraham never struggled over anything because he believed that no power could take from him what God promised him. Because of that knowledge, he always waited on God. To maintain peace, he allowed Lot to choose where he wanted to live and God strengthened his promise to him thereafter (Genesis 13:1-4, 8-18).
The enemy fought God’s promises to Abraham but because he knew God, he never stopped waiting on Him. While waiting, he entertained angels, rescued Lot from his captors; kept the doctrine of circumcision, and prayed for Sodom and Gomorrah. In the end, the God he waited for never disappointed him, even in his old age (Genesis 21:1-5).
Jacob’s Victory Over His Enemy Through Waiting
If God says to you wait, you better wait because at His arrival every knee must bow. When God assured Jacob to leave Laban, he defended him before his worst enemy, Esau. His elder brother who vowed to destroy him with about four hundred soldiers withdrew from his decision. This could only be possible when Jacob waited on the God that can do all things (Genesis 33:1, 4, 20).
Instead of a fight, his brother Esau changed his mind; he embraced him, fell on his neck, kissed him and they both wept for joy. This can only happen by obeying God’s invitation to wait in prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting can reverse evil intentions and cause your enemies to favor you. Those who know their God can wait, no matter how long.