Unveiling the Destructive Power of Stealing and Evil speaking

What is Stealing?

A simple definition of stealing is appropriating the property of another without right and with the intent to keep or convert the same to personal use and ownership. It also means to take away by force or unjust means without permission, appropriate to oneself or beyond one’s fair share, and wrongfully smuggle or accomplish something in a concealed or unobserved manner. It also means to seize, gain, or win by tricking or defrauding someone or the government.

What is God’s stand on stealing?

God commanded the children of Israel not to steal or deal falsely with one another. It is wrong to defraud or deny people their salaries because you want to put their wages in a fixed deposit to enrich yourself. This is robbery, and God declared that He hates it. Thousands of young people are locked up in prisons for stealing peanuts, while government officials who steal millions of dollars are celebrated and revered. It is the height of corruption to withhold workers‘ salaries under you. This is wickedness because it can force the people you owe to do terrible things to survive (see John 10:1; 2 Samuel 15:1-6; Matthew 12:34-37).

When you choose to do morally wrong things, you are like someone who enters a house through the window. God said you are a thief and a robber. When you help someone cheat or win an election by rigging, you are like Absalom and his fellow conspirators who conspired to overthrow King David forcefully. But God dealt with them.

Why you should stop stealing now

Remember that you will give an account of every evil action, idle word, and false pronouncement on the Day of Judgment. You will be justified or condemned by the words of your mouth. Therefore, it is wise to decide now there is still time for you to do so. There is a saying that you can no longer open the ark once the rains have started. Choose life today to be well with you and your bloodline.

Paul’s admonition to people who speak evil of others 

The church in Ephesus had very notorious members, probably because of their occult backgrounds. They spoke evil of everyone around. Paul warned such members of the dangers of their evil ways. Believers, especially senior citizens, must think wisely before talking, acting, or counseling.

The consequences of evil speaking

The scarcity of godly and faithful senior citizens pressures a generation to speak evil and vanity at liberty with flattering lips and double hearts. The end of evil speaking is proud words and flattering lips, which bring judgment. If not controlled, men’s tongues devise mischief like sharp razors and produce deceit. It is written,

An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire. A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.’ PROVERBS 16:27-28

The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly‘. PROVERBS 26:22

What is the nature and characteristics of people guilty of evil speaking?

A man is guilty of evil speaking if he loves evil more than good. He is guilty of evil speaking if he has replaced truth with lies in his speeches. He could be indirectly guilty of evil speaking when he embraces people who propagate devouring words with deceitful tongues. He is guilty of evil speaking if he has an uncontrollable tongue that burns like fire. If a man is froward and sows seeds of strife, whispering to separate chief friends, he is guilty of evil speaking. If he is a talebearer who wounds people with words, he is guilty of evil speaking (see Ephesians 4:29; Psalms 12:3, 52:2-4; Matthew 12:34-37).

Why you should repent and desist from evil speaking

Today is a day of repentance. Repent that it may be well with you, your children, and children’s children. Learn to bridle your tongue and always speak life rather than evil. The power of life and death lies in the tongue.

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