Benefits of Being a Covenant Child

Promises are easy to make and even easier to break. People frequently get themselves into trouble because they are unable to keep their promises. A long time ago, God initiated a form of promise that held greater sway and had consequences if it was not kept. These promises were called covenants.

They are major events in the Old Testament which have affected cultures into the present and are important for unlocking some of the Bible’s most interesting passages.

What is a covenant?

A covenant can be somewhat compared to a promise. Covenants are sacred, and there are consequences for failing to uphold them or keep to responsibilities between the two parties involved. God is extremely committed to keeping his own part of the covenant. Once you keep your own part of the covenant with God, he fulfills his own. A covenant with God makes one special before God, separates and distinguishes them from the crowd. The children of God’s covenant are the kingdom of priests, holy nation, and called-out people of God. God does not allow anyone or anything to harm such people. So if you are a covenant child of God, no evil authority can harass you and go scot-free.

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What does it mean to be a Covenant child?

Just like Abraham made a covenant with God and God fulfilled the terms of this covenant, this is also the case when you are a covenant child. If you get into trouble, no matter how big, you will be delivered. No mountain, sea, or people can stop your journey in life. You will come out of every problem because God is committed and ever faithful in keeping His own part of the covenant. God redeems your loss and saves you from destruction.

If you are a covenant child, it means that your body is the temple of God and no sickness or problem can dwell in it. Likewise, just as Jesus was able to heal the sick and bring freedom by the power of the Holy Ghost, you too can do the same because the Holy Ghost dwells in you as well.

However, when you are not a covenant child, this is not this case. You are more vulnerable to the schemes of the devil and his agents.

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  14If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it”

John 14:12-14

Being a covenant child comes with a lot of perks. Would you like to be one? You can make this happen by taking simple steps. Seek the face of God today, surrender to him and allow him to take care of you.

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One comment

  1. My mom always told me that I am a covenant child but ever since I married, my life became miserable, I lost all that I have. Even my wife also. I even questioned God.

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