Divine Remembrance and the Power of Godly Connection for Senior Citizens

The nature and activities of evil men

The story of Daniel reminds us of similar activities of such evil men and women who would do anything to destroy God’s elect. They reasoned amongst themselves, “We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.” Then, they suggested to the king, “Now, O king, establish the decree and sign the writing, that it be not changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which alters not.” It was not long before it became clear that their target was to eliminate Daniel (see Daniel 6:3-5, 8, 15-16).

There is hope for anyone who trusts in Christ

The handwriting on the wall of many people’s lives, families, communities, and nations has eluded the understanding of our professionals. You may have retired early without justifiable reasons, or perhaps because of your race, tribe, envy, or whatever the reason may be… it is not the end of life; there is still hope. You only need the Spirit of God to strengthen you. The good news is that your story can be like that of Daniel. God can employ, settle, and establish you in His own way beyond your imagination. My question to you, though, is … “Have you accepted Christ into your life?” That’s where the journey begins. A new you emerges in Christ!

Can God reintroduce you to your nation?

God can use someone or circumstances to introduce or reintroduce you to the nation. Someone who knows your worth may speak about you before kings just as the queen spoke about Daniel before Belshazzar, the king of Babylon (see Daniel 5:10-12). She had to remind the king that there was a man of wisdom and understanding in his kingdom. Similarly, God can cause your name to echo in people’s ears.

What happens when God opens your book of remembrance?

When God opens your book of remembrance, those who have forgotten you can suddenly remember and reintegrate you. God can also cause people you helped or worked with before to remember you.

How was Joseph remembered?

We saw this pattern again in the story of Joseph. While in prison, Joseph interpreted a dream the king’s chief butler had in jail. Years later, when Pharaoh had a troubling dream that no man in Egypt could interpret, God caused the chief butler to remember Joseph. For this reason, Joseph was released from prison and subsequently honored (see Genesis 41:9-14, 37-44).

The dividends of being connected to God.

Senior citizens connected to God cannot retire or get tired. God can elevate you at the appointed time, and the nation will remember you again. A political puzzle or problem that only you can resolve will bring you back to relevance. Your faithfulness cannot be forgotten forever. The nation will soon seek you for what only you can do through God. People would witness your glory in Christ no matter where you may have been pushed to. As you remain with God, keep serving Him, and He will deposit His wisdom, knowledge, and power within you, causing you to stand out. Your wisdom will cause everyone to respect you, prefer you above others, and take you to a place of rest in God. Nevertheless, if you have not surrendered your life to God through Christ as a senior citizen, do so now, and your name will be written in the Book of Life.

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