Power of God’s Mercy in Church in the House

The Importance Of House Fellowship Or Home Cell.

Ninety percent of church members who attend churches with home-caring fellowships don’t participate in other church meetings, especially house fellowships. They prefer to attend only Sunday service; no weekly Bible study, revival hour, or any other meeting. This makes it very difficult for fellow church members or even the pastor to know when they face challenges.

And when he had considered the thing, he came to the house of Mary the mother of John, whose surname was Mark; where many were gathered together praying. And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house. Acts 12:12; 20:20 

Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Salute my well-beloved Epaenetus, who is the first fruits of Achaia unto Christ“. Romans 16:5

The Role of House Fellowship in Early Church Leadership

Though Peter was highly placed in the church, he still attended house caring fellowship. Even Paul attended house fellowship and engaged in visitation to ensure the people he pastored lacked nothing. Paul communicated everything profitable to them and taught them publicly and personally from house to house. He sent letters to those he couldn’t visit or attend to, one by one (1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:15; Matthew 28:19, 20; 1 Timothy 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:2).

Why Do Some Pastors Get Into Errors?

In the beginning, church services were held in people’s homes, but today, people’s interpretation of pastors with small congregations is that the LORD did not call them. They despise them and give them all kinds of attitudes to discourage them. As a result, many of these pastors fall prey to practicing all sorts of things to have large congregations or be posted to mega-churches to prove God’s call upon their lives. I am not preaching against growing your congregation, but the truth is that many have destroyed the church’s foundation by such practice.

Why Do You Need To Belong To A House Fellowship Or Home Cell?

The Function and Impact of House Fellowship

If you don’t attend the house fellowship organized by the church around you, you are destroying the foundation. The truth is that there are things you can never get from the general church, no matter how close you are to the senior pastor. The concept of the church in the house is to provide close fellowship where all members can be well-known and cared for. This enables them to share with others and relate to each other one-on-one freely. Church in the House is designed to be an outreach channel to increase the burden and passion for souls and a place to sharpen one another’s faith.

Each house caring fellowship is to be an extension of the compassionate practice of Christ; assisting, encouraging one another, and helping every member as the need arises. It may not be opportune for all to preach in any area of the big church, but each must be assigned to function in the home church. Each member will discover their gifts and be encouraged to open many other home churches as the need for expansion arises. As each discovers their gifts and gets involved, the benefits of God’s mercy will be multiplied.

The Power of God’s Mercy in House Fellowship

The absence of home churches has caused many to be lost in the crowd today. Rather than lead others, they are busy seeking to prophesy and become miracle workers because they lack knowledge of God’s word. When you have genuinely repented, get involved in God’s work, and study your Bible, you will discover what you seek is within you. Miracles, healing, deliverance, prosperity, or power to destroy the works of the devil are all benefits of God’s mercy, which can be found in the word of God.

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