Blessings of Generosity

Overview of Giving

According to the apostle Paul, Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).” Jesus is stating that when we give – whether it’s time, energy, service, encouragement, resources, or anything else – we get an even bigger gift than when we give. That seems unusual, even counter-cultural, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t we be happy if we were always on the receiving side of things? Even current psychological research has lately shown that giving produces longer-lasting sensations of pleasure and well-being than getting.

Clearly, by giving away our unwanted items, excess money, and free time, we may improve the lives of others. In a lovely manner, however, our giving benefits us as well.

I’m not arguing we should be helpful only to benefit ourselves. We should be charitable for the sake of others; that is our motive. Meanwhile, we should anticipate certain intangible advantages to be returned to us, which we should joyfully embrace.

Ways on how our generosity attract Blessings

Teaches you Sacrifice

Sacrifice is one of the most avoided terminology or virtue to cultivate. Common wisdom states, “I’ll give when all of my needs are met.” “I can’t afford to give” so “I’ll give when I’ve got some surplus.” God’s wisdom instructs, “Give now, even in your time of need, and watch me work!” There is nothing more rewarding than sacrifice, giving from the little you have. This virtue when learned blesses you in different aspect of your lives. The Bible teaches that when we give in faith (trusting completely in God) even in times of need, God’s amazing provision starts to flow to us. He just wants us to offer what we already have (not what we don’t have), and by going first, in confidence and obedience, we unleash his blessing into our lives. This idea is plainly taught throughout the Bible, and there are several examples of individuals who experienced the miracle of giving and then God coming through to fulfill their need (see Gen. 26:1, 12-14; 1 Kings 17; Luke 21:1-4; 2 Cor. 8:1-7).

When you bless others

Our liberal generosity brings enormous blessings to others. God achieves great things when his people adopt an attitude of giving in all aspects of their lives. The early church saw a dramatic outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which had a huge influence on the local community, city, and finally the whole globe. An important component in what God accomplished was the generosity of Christians in giving freely, willingly, and cheerfully to what God was doing–and to the needs of others (see Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-37; 11:27-30; 24:17; Rom.15:25-28). In blessing people, your own life receives massive blessing from God effortlessly.

An Act of worship to God

One thing is certain: God is a gracious God who provides for everyone of us on a daily basis. He is the source of our own breath and life. He meets our most basic needs: food, clothes, and shelter. He offers us the strength and capacity to accumulate money. He is loyal in his love, kindness, and compassion for us. He gave us his absolute best: His Son. God is not just giving by nature, but he also enjoys it when we are generous. we worship Him when we give generously to people, it is an act of worship to Him and when He is worshipped, we are blessed the more.

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