Hope for Senior Citizens: Embracing God’s Blessings in Old Age

Was Jacob able to benefit from God’s goodness despite the previous evil and deceit?

Jacob, the second son of Isaac and twin brother of Esau, experienced great vicissitudes before he became a senior citizen. When he met Pharaoh in Egypt, he told Pharaoh that his years on earth were few but evil. He fulfilled his mission on earth successfully, and his children cared for him in the evenings and the nights of his life. As a senior citizen, he had comfort in the evening of his life and moved around with an always-waiting chariot and wagon his son, Joseph, provided for him. His favorite sons and grandchildren surrounded his deathbed (See Genesis 48:1, 9, 15).

There is hope for all sinners.

Hear this – if you are a sinner today, there is still room for change. Christ is always ready to embrace you in His arms. You are not the only sinner on earth. However, God cannot force you to receive His Salvation when you are not ready to repent and be reconciled to Him. Enoch lived for sixty-five years as a sinner before he repented, yet God accepted him, and he walked with God the rest of his life and never walked in sin again (see Genesis 5:21-24). Therefore, no matter how old you are as a senior citizen, you can still repent, return to God, and start walking with Him for the rest of your life.

Examples of senior citizens who received God’s blessings (God’s reward).

At eighty-five, Caleb, who began walking with God at forty, made it to the Promised Land and inherited his heritage. You can also make it (see Joshua 14:7, 10-13). Elisha followed Elijah until they reached River Jordan before asking for a double portion and receiving it. You can ask for your health, settlement, and establishment of your children today and still receive them. In old age, the woman of Shunem conceived at a time when she had already entered her menopause and when her husband could no longer function. She carried her son with her hands at the appointed season. No matter the power behind your reproach, problem, and disgrace, you can still make it. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod, the king, and His birth attracted wise men from the East. There is nothing impossible with God; He can still bless the works of your hand and make you fruitful in your old age (see Luke 5:4-7).

Remember that Job lost everything, even as a righteous senior citizen, a perfect and upright man who eschewed evil. But when he prayed, God turned his captivity and gave him twice as much as before (Job 42:10, 12, 16).

King David’s Testimony as a Senior Citizen

In King David’s testimony as a senior citizen, he said,

The Lord orders the steps of a good man, And He delights in his way. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down, For the Lord upholds him with His hand. I have been young, and now I am old, Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging for bread. The righteous shall inherit the land and dwell in it forever“. PSALMS 37:23-25, 29

The little that a righteous man has is better in quality and strength than the riches of many wicked people because the inheritance of a righteous man will last forever. Just as evil senior citizens have rewards, the righteous also have great rewards. No matter the sufferings of the righteous person, he is sure of deliverance into everlasting joy and eternal happiness. True happiness is found in doing the right things; doing the things God will prosper. Therefore, no matter how long, it shall be well with the righteous because God pays back everything with interest. The saints are preserved forever. God will not leave the righteous in the hands of the wicked. The righteous will have everlasting satisfaction because God’s eyes, face, ears, presence, and power are engaged actively to help, heal, sustain, support, protect, and preserve all that trust in Him. Each part you follow leads to a destination. As for the righteous, God’s strength, happiness, answers to prayers, and long life belong to him.

The consequences of remaining in sin.

If you choose to remain unrighteous; sorrow, destruction, disappointments, and premature death await you. It would be best to be born again and daily exhibit the fruits of the Holy Spirit.


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