The Destructive Power of Bitterness and Wrath

The consequences of bitterness and wrath

This vice called bitterness, offense, or even the desire for vengeance is truly something to avoid, as it has cost many men their lives and destinies. Bitterness and offense were the sharp daggers that cut off the head of Lanre Ijisesan. I met Lanre in the UK some years back. You could hardly catch him smiling. It almost seemed as if every day was a sad day. He was a retired pilot with so much money, yet he never showed any form of happiness from having true success. When I summoned the courage to ask him why he never smiled, I found his response quite scary.

“Those who smile are those who have family, love, and true peace. I have none of it, so tell me why I should smile.”

“Hmmm,” that was all I could say at the time. Then he went on.

“I curse the day I met my wife. She is the cause of my bitter and lonely heart. She stole from me and left me at a time when I needed someone to be by my side the most. I was sick with a partial stroke for two years and lost hundreds of millions of pounds and a host of other things. I thought I had a family, I thought I had true love in my wife, but what I had was a knife waiting to rip my heart off. I thought I was going to die because she left me in a terrible and miserable condition. She took my two daughters away and sold lies to them because, to date, they don’t talk to me. How I managed to escape death is still a miracle to me. My doctor said he found some poisonous substance in my system and suspects I may have been gradually poisoned to the point of being ill with partial stroke. I fully recovered 6 months after she left, and I have regained wealth again with hard work and God on my side. But I’ve never forgotten that experience and always tell everyone I see to marry right or they will be doomed. I can never forgive my wife, not even in another world to come. To imagine that I married such a beast for a woman.”

Something about his tone showed grief, offense, and bitterness, but he had no tears in his eyes. His words were firm. I thought I should preach to him, but he dismissed the idea by saying: “Madueke, I know God. Plus, nothing you say would make me ever forgive that woman in my life. I would rather die than forgive her.” And just as he said, he died in his bitterness, unforgiveness, and pain.

Why senior citizens should avoid bitterness and wrath?

Dear senior citizen, please let it go if you are in bitterness, offense, pain, or wrath. You would be doing yourself a great disservice not to let go. Societies look up to senior citizens, believers, and church leaders as mentors and beacons for high moral standards. While writing to the church, Paul knew things that would offend the church and possibly make her bitter and wrathful were imminent. Hence, he admonished the church to put away all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking, with all malice (Ephesians 4:31).

The reason is not far-fetched. People with distressing characters, who are ready to exhibit such shameful behaviors without regrets, fill our societies. It is not hard to find people around us who are acrid, acidic, and display intense animosity. However, with the presence and counsel of wise senior citizens, such intense characters can be checked. A senior citizen who indulges in bitterness and wrath automatically gives room to the devil.

Paul’s admonition on bitterness

In the words of Paul, ‘Look diligently lest any man fails of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know that afterward when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears (Hebrews 12:15-17).

Why the spirit of bitterness is still controlling certain individuals.

It is shameful for the demon of bitterness and wrath to overpower a senior citizen. If the demon of bitterness and wrath still dominates you, it could indicate spiritual immaturity. Therefore, cast off bitterness and wrath entirely from your life today so that you may enjoy the joy of your salvation in fullness.

Why does bitterness need to be curtailed and handled?

Bitterness, if not checked, could metamorphose into a stubborn root that produces defiling troubles in communities, cities, and nations. Bitterness can be easily managed when it involves ordinary people. But when senior citizens are concerned, it goes out of hand. Profanities from senior citizens can deprive nations of their birthright and bring hatred and rejection for the born and unborn generation.

But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descends not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work JAMES 3:14-16

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