The Omnipotent God: The Power of Submitting to Divine Wisdom and Authority

God is Omnipotent and All Powerful

In our search for divine attributes, we found out that GOD IS OMNIPOTENT, meaning that GOD IS ALL-POWERFUL (Genesis 1:1; Exodus 15:17). In the beginning before life began, He was, and all things were created by Him, including heaven and earth. This proves Him to be the “OMNIPOTENT GOD.” People who are short-sighted, who lack knowledge or do not know God, seek power outside of Him (Deuteronomy 3:24; 1 Chronicles 16:25).

The Greatness of Moses

What made Moses great and powerful was not his physical strength or educational qualifications but his intimate relationship with God. When Moses discovered who God is and the power in His name, he surrendered to Him. When he surrendered all that he had learned from the Egyptian occult house for God’s knowledge, he became great. Every greatness outside of divine knowledge is useless and will fade away with time. It’s unprofitable to waste time seeking to obtain anything outside of God. As soon as Moses proved that the Personality sending him back to Pharaoh was greater than Pharaoh, his faith was built up. You can challenge any problem with God’s name and achieve victory. Through His name, everything you need can be provided, and no sorrow is attached to His provision.

God’s Infinite Attributes

Through God’s name, you can have peace, righteousness, divine presence, and dominion over sin. God is a Father to all who find Him through Christ, and He empowers them with His righteousness. When you align with His will and plan through Christ, He will never leave you nor forsake you. That’s why He is called the “INFINITE GOD”—eternal, with no beginning and no ending. He is the all-wise God, and no other has this attribute. He alone can solve all problems because He sees the end from the beginning, and nothing is hidden from Him. His decisions are always right; He has never made any mistake, and no one can find Him guilty.

God’s Wisdom and Power in Moses

He is all-wise and can make you wiser than you are now (Job 40:2; 42:2). When He showed Moses His greatness, Moses automatically became great. He touched Moses with His mighty hand, and everything that Moses ever touched became prosperous. This is the God that we are about to wait on; please, you are invited to join us. If you accept Him as your captain or banner, you can never lose any battle in life.

David’s submission to Divine Wisdom

No decision on earth is complete without the decision to follow Him, serve Him, and allow Him to lead you. When David, the son of Jesse, accepted Him and submitted to His leadership, he defeated every enemy, including the Goliath of his generation. Because he submitted to divine wisdom, God made him brave and courageous in battle before any enemy. Not only that, God made him skillful and very intimidating before his enemies. With these qualities from the all-wise God, David led the children of Israel to subdue the Philistines, Canaanites, Moabites, Ammonites, Arameans, Edomites, and the Amalekites. Because he submitted himself to divine wisdom, he became a renowned army general, a champion of war who never lost any battle. David’s submission to divine authority helped him to conquer the supposedly impregnable Jebusite city of Jerusalem and made it his capital (2 Samuel 5:4-7).

The Power of Submission

If you submit to God’s wisdom, no enemy will prevail over you; try it. Do you know that it was King David who started the business of slaying giants in Israel before other army officers followed suit (2 Samuel 21:15-21)? All the powers standing as giants in your place of birth or workplace can be slain if you submit to divine wisdom and authority. You will raise soldiers like David who can do what you can no longer do, go to where you cannot go, even in your old age. One of the secrets of King David was that he regarded and fought Israel’s enemies as God’s enemies and dedicated his spoils of war unto the Lord (1 Chronicles 18:11). But the major secret was his submission to God’s will, His wisdom, and authority. His submission to divine wisdom made him the greatest king in Israel, with an unusual wisdom in administration (2 Samuel 2:5-7; 3:32-37).

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