The Power in the Blood of Jesus

Every sin has a voice, whether you committed it, or someone in your lineage, dead or alive, did it on your behalf. These voices are negative, destructive, and are the reason for failures, defeats, problems of all sorts, sickness, and diseases in the lives of people on earth. When people are wrongfully killed, their blood can cry from generation to generation until it is silenced by a higher blood.

For instance, when Cain became angry with his brother Abel and killed him, Abel’s blood cried until the cries reached God, and God responded.

“And he said, what hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand.”

Genesis 4:10-11

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Whenever and wherever blood is shed, it cries and attracts judgment against the person involved. Though shed on earth, it rises and cries to God for justice. Blood cries on different levels when it is shed. The blood of animals shed in a sacrifice can cry for justice but cannot be compared with the blood of a human being in a sacrifice. Likewise, the blood of an innocent person used for a sacrifice cannot be compared with the blood of a sinner used for a sacrifice.

Similarly, the blood of a covenant child or a person who has a relationship with God or his people cries more than the blood of one with no covenant relationship with God. (Joshua 9:15, 27; 2 Samuel 21:1-2) And so, Abel, as an innocent person with God’s covenant, attracted divine judgment against his brother Cain, making him a fugitive and vagabond.

The Highest Blood

Remember when I said that when people are wrongfully killed, their blood can cry from generation to generation? Well, these cries can only be subdued by a higher blood. The highest blood cry is the blood of Jesus, and it cries to defend everyone who repents and accepts Christ as their Lord and personal savior.

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When one repents and invokes the crying blood of Jesus, every evil voice immediately bows. No blood sacrifice, voices of divination, enchantment, or action can override or out-speak the blood of Jesus on the battlefield. The blood of Jesus Christ, invoked by faith after true repentance, can take your place in life, present Himself before your enemies and your problems, and silence them forever. It can speak for you as an advocate and watch over you even when you are asleep.

When the blood of Christ begins to cry for your sake, every other cry of blood, evil sacrifices, evil utterances, and negative actions, will perish forever. The crying blood of Jesus Christ can shut up any voice or evil sacrifice ever offered here on earth. Demonic activities, leprosy, demons from the tombs, spiritual and physical authorities surrender before the pleading blood of Jesus. The powers behind business problems and poverty bow before the crying blood of Jesus.

No unclean spirit, plagues, storm or wind, chains of darkness, no problem, not even death, can stand in the way of Jesus’ crying blood. There is power in the blood of Jesus!


  • Any evil voice speaking against me from any evil altar or pit of hell, be silenced by the crying blood of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Blood of Jesus, speak me out of every blood sacrifice holding me in bondage. I testify against any blood crying against my progress by the crying blood of Jesus.
  • Any sin in my life energizing evil sacrifices to speak against me, be weakened unto death by the crying blood of Jesus.
  • I bring repentance to every sin I ever committed, and the ones others committed on my behalf, in the name of Jesus.
  • Every record of sin in my life anywhere in creation, be removed permanently by the crying blood of Jesus.
  • Any effect of the multiplied evil altars against my destiny, be stopped by the crying blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
  • Any animal or human sacrifice, crying against my destiny, be silenced by the crying blood of Jesus Christ.

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  1. Christelle

    This book demonstrates the real Power of the Sand of Jesus Christ. I recommend it to anyone who wants to win battles by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

  2. Gibson Ejedegba

    Hallelujah, I’m most to have received this knowledge and understanding. Abundant Amen to the prayers.
    More grace and be blessed forever sir.

  3. Liz Jean

    An extremely powerful new view of the Blood of Jesus. I appreciate, very educative.

  4. Rev. John Forde


  5. Anonymous

    Wow! You have given deeper insight into understanding the awesome power in the blood of Jesus.

  6. Alicia Pilgrim

    The information revealed about the mystery of the blood of Jesus Christ in this book is truly beyond words. May the eyes of our understanding be enlightened as the Lord has used His servant to teach and arm the body of Christ with this very VERY dangerous weapon of our warfare. I was going through a very tumultuous time when I got this book and boy oh boy,did it silence my enemies indeed. As a matter of fact,I’m going to refresh and re-read and use the mighty prayers soon as I’m done posting (my spirit’s fired up even writing this now). These are the tools we MUST utilize to gain victory over our enemies. I am ever grateful to the Lord for His unspeakable gift He’s given to His body in these end times,in the person of Pastor Prayer. God bless you always Pastor. Kind Regards!

  7. Absolutely powerful!

  8. Naveena Pais

    I am reading this whole book daily at midnight. It is so powerful. I feel so fearless wholeday.
    After reading this book I saw my daughter delivered from witchcraft clutches in my dream.
    Thank you Jesus. 

    This is my testimony to all my brothers and sisters here. Thank you 🙏

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