The Urgent Call to Senior Citizens: Repentance, Restoration, and Responsibility

The danger of not teaching your children the way of the Lord

It is imperative to bring your children to repentance as soon as you repent from your evil ways. Failure to do so would expose them to the curse of the law. You must put extra effort into ministering to your children. Though it may seem like they are enjoying their lives now, you would be exposing their futures and destinies to danger by not sharing the word of truth and life with them.

The rate at which many senior citizens and retired elders suffer today is alarming. Even the junior workers they left in offices deny them their rights, pensions, and other benefits. We need urgent action that will bring deliverance.

The consequences of idolatry

Idolatry separates man from God. It is a great abomination before God, vain and foolish, bloody, unprofitable, and an act that defiles a man. Practicing idolatry is handing the entire lives of your born and unborn children over to Satan and his fallen angels (see Jude 6, 8). Likewise, worshiping symbols that represent God is idolatry. Another form of idolatry is placing anything before God in order of importance and relevance. These are the likes of possession, pride, pleasure, and money.

It is written:

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon“. MATTHEW 6:24

The consequences of refusing to follow God

If you refuse to repent and keep God’s law, you have automatically chosen to belong to the devil even without officially joining any cult. At that point, evil spirits can possess your finances, marriage, and your body for defilement. With such an open door, an evil spirit can possess your entire being and pollute your children from the womb, defile their characters, and convert them to the devil’s incarnate, having the nature of the devil rather than that of God. He can deposit all manner of evil behaviors and desires like homosexuality, lesbianism, wickedness, Idolatry, cultism, breaking of God’s law, and many other evil behaviors in them, filling them with all manner of evil. (see Romans 1:29-32).

What are the dangers and effects of accepting the devil’s gift?

Evil can destroy natural feelings and affection as well as convert its victims to the wrong channel. Every gift from the devil comes at a high price. You can sin without understanding or minding the consequences when you lose your conscience. All the good things that the wicked enjoy are vanity because every evil person is like trash, a tree without a root or fruit. God did not call us to be strong in doing wicked things but to be strong in the Lord.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might’. EPHESIANS 6:10

The fate of the wicked ones, sinners, and evil-doers.

In times of judgment, no wicked person can stand. They are troubled, restless, and burdened. Evildoers shall be cut off. Their swords shall enter into their hearts, and their arms shall be broken, and God will laugh at them. The ax of justice shall fall on them. Their riches will melt. Their powers decay, and their joys turn to sorrow. Their houses will be empty, their offices will be vacant, and their estates will be without an owner as they are blotted out and brought to the deathbed of penury. Every unrepentant senior citizen will be gone like a passing cloud or wind and forgotten like a dream. Their evil deeds will blind them spiritually, so they cannot see how close their destruction is. They may be feasting every day, but they do not have safe days because they are operating under the curse of the law… spiritual death. The Bible calls the ungodly chaff and says they shall perish in their ways…

The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff, which the wind drives away. Therefore, the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LORD knows the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish“. PSALMS 1:4-6

Honorable senior citizens, please listen to me: No matter how strong, rich, or great you are now, you cannot be stronger or more prosperous than you would ever be in your maker. Though you may be strong in witchcraft, manipulations, divination, enchantment, wealth, and cultism, you are not strong. Your children may be well settled, and established academically, materially, maritally, mentally, socially, health-wise, and globally recognized. Remember Ahab’s sons; seventy of them died in one day and went to hell. A sinner is a traitor, an outcast, a captive, a leper, and spiritually dead before God, and only repentance, restitution, and consecration can turn the wrath of God away from such a person. Sinners may have feast days but no safe days. There is only one choice for sinners: turn away from sin or face the gnashing of teeth and eternal damnation in hell.

The Tragic Story of Elder Mark

Having said all this, haven’t you wondered why Elder Mark didn’t accept the life of Christ? Well, I have. I prayed for him for days and visited him a few times to preach the gospel, but all my visits ended with a man wailing and weeping in pain.

I prayed with him as well, still his heart remained darkened and hardened. The enemy had hardened and blinded his mind such that he could no longer see the love of Christ. His heart was heavy with so much pain, guilt, and condemnation till he breathed his last on earth. He never paid attention to the gospel of Christ; his attention was his grief that eventually became his undoing. When I heard of his demise, it was my turn to weep like a baby; I remembered every moment I shared with him and wept bitterly that he never said yes to Jesus.

If only he said yes to Jesus.

Jesus: The Only Way Out

Jesus is always ready to receive anyone that repents and comes back to him Dear senior citizen, make the most of this book and time by surrendering to Jesus today; your present state or condition doesn’t matter. He is ever ready to embrace you just the way you are. God loves you, and he wants the best for you. Say yes to Jesus today, and help your children to grow in Christ, to experience a great and whole life as well rather than a life of bondage and eternal damnation.

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