What Is Deliverance?
Deliverance as a definite topic is not easily exhaustible. Most Christians do not consider the issue of personal deliverance as a duty they owe themselves. With an excellent understanding of personal deliverance, a Christian can be sure to live a victorious Christian life; not that which is void of battles of life but that with victories over life’s great battles.

What Is Personal Deliverance?
- Personal deliverance involves destroying the effects of bloodline curses (see Genesis 34:25-31; 49:3-7; 2 Samuel 21:1-9).
- It is seeking to have victory over defeat one’s parents suffered (see Joshua 7:1; 8:1-29).
- It is to gather your blessings or to recover scattered and stolen blessings from enemies.
Deliverance is recovering your lost or things your ancestors handed over to evil powers through sin, evil sacrifices, curses or evil covenants (see Jeremiah 16:1-4, 10-12). On the other hand, it is also important to state that deliverance is further divided into two major parts namely:
- Deliverance from sin (see John 3:16, 32, 36).
Deliverance from the consequences of sin, physical infirmities or problems (see Matthew 10:28).
Discovery Of Oneself
Simply put, personal deliverance is a direct discovery of oneself and problems one is battling through life. This can be revealed through God’s guide in times of Bible study; through vision, dream or through prayers.
God can help you discover your true self and problems through His Word. For this purpose, I advise that you go beyond reading this book ordinarily to pursuing an in-depth study of all scriptural references to see if you could discover your problems together with the right prayers to pray. This book offers you right prayers to pray to achieve desired results.
Here are important things you must do:
- You must discover besetting sinful habits, repent from them and turn wholly to God through Jesus Christ, the Savior (see Matthew 11:28-30; John 1:40-42, 45-47, Acts 8:26-37).
- You must prepare for a personal experience and relationship with Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.
I can write some prayers for you as a guide but if you discover the right prayers yourself, it is better than what anyone else could write down for you.
Doctors have discovered that getting patients participate in their healing process through a technique called occupational therapy have had tremendous and remarkable effects on such patients. Likewise, you must be prepared to affect your deliverance through thoughtful and deliberate actions that could help trigger your deliverance.
Before you go further, even if you have been born-again for long, make your assurance double sure and pray this prayer:
Almighty God, I know I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I turn away from my past sinful habits and evils towards you. Please forgive me and help me to avoid sinning again. I invite Jesus Christ into my life to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart forever from this day forward. Please send Your Holy Spirit to help me obey you, and to do your will for the rest of my life, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Having prayed the above prayer, pick your writing material and write down what you hope to discover about your life through the study of this book and the areas you need prayers of deliverance as you study this book. Make a list of all your problems and your needs. There two ways to pray:
- you talk to God directly
- You talk to your problem or the powers behind them.
Prayers For an Excellent Job
- O Lord, give me a job that will provide all my needs and help me fulfill my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
- Father Lord, raise people that will help me get an excellent job, in the name of Jesus.
- Every curse that is placed upon my certificate, I remove you by force, in the name of Jesus.
- Blood of Jesus, empower my curriculum vitae to be preferred above others, in the name of Jesus.
- Father Lord, give me a job that will make me a better Christian, in the name of Jesus.
- Any evil personality that is blocking my job is removed, in the name of Jesus.
- O Lord, retire or sack any stubborn enemy that is blocking my employment, in the name of Jesus.
- Blood of Jesus, cleanse any evil mark that was placed on my forehead, in the name of Jesus.
- I disgrace evil personalities that are sitting upon my job, in the name of Jesus.
- I command any evil personality that is sitting upon my job to be unseated, in the name of Jesus.