Understanding the Office of A Senior Citizen

Who are Senior Citizens?

Senior citizens are primarily elderly and usually rich in knowledge and understanding of crucial matters. They are masters of wisdom. Modern societies grant them special rights and privileges. Their reputations are traditionally unquestionable. Many senior citizens engrave their names in history by building strong institutions, leaving footprints of enduring legacies. No one can quantify the contributions of senior citizens to society.

It takes years of genuine and diligent service to the nation for senior citizens to gather vast experience, which they use for the nation’s benefit. This is what distinguishes senior citizens from other citizens. Senior citizens are known for excellence and professionalism, having spent most of their lives in active services. They are structured and deeply informed.

The Benefits of having Spirit-filled Senior Citizens.

For instance, in the days of King David, Ahithophel was one of the few that prevailed in extensive knowledge and understanding. So, it was written of him:

And the counsel of Ahithophel, which he counseled in those days, was as if a man had enquired at the oracle of God: so was all the counsel of Ahithophel both with David and with Absalom‘ 2 SAMUEL 16:23

In any family, community, city, or nation with spirit-filled senior citizens, the people rejoice because they are bound to wage all their battles in wisdom. Their counsel, if taken, would advance any person or people and bring them to a place of safety and establishment. When speaking, senior citizens articulate and weigh their words. They do not speak in haste to avoid loss of any kind. They are not easily provoked. Even when provoked, they do not act until they are properly guided by wisdom. They carefully think through when considering any action’s consequences before giving counsel.

Th Spirit of Citizenship

Very few people in communities have the true spirit of senior citizenship. It is not enough to claim to be a senior citizen if you do not have such a spirit. One can acquire senior citizenship through long years of experience, but the true spirit of senior citizenship comes from God. The one developed from years of working experiences can be nurtured through endurance, courage, and modest consciousness of one’s societal position. However, the true spirit of senior citizenship that comes directly from God flows without hindrance. The spirit of God empowers it. God gives you His spirit of wholeness and newness when you heartily receive the gift of salvation. To everyone who accepts Him, God says,

Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste’ ISAIAH 28:16

The deficiencies of an unbelieving senior citizen (a senior citizen who is not born again).

An unbeliever (not born-again) may work for long years, retire, and answer a senior citizen because of their professional experiences and achievements. Indeed, such one is bound to err in character during a test or trial. Secular knowledge is good and profitable, but there is also a need for spiritual knowledge and godly character.

Power of a godly Senior Citizen

Godly character encompasses one’s thoughts, habits, values, motives, attitudes, feelings and actions standing in alignment with the word of God, fully expressing the fruits of the spirit in character.” (Galatians 5:22 – 23).

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

We exhibit these fruits in character, thoughts, intentions, dispositions, and actions as believers in Christ Jesus. After salvation, spiritual growth is paramount. You now have to grow in the Word and renew your mind, thought patterns, and character by the Word and express Christ’s fullness within. And the amazing thing is that you don’t have to strive hard to please God; it is not in your strength. It is God that empowers you to do His will and pleasure. Stay humble by depending on Him in the place of prayer and the word; he will strengthen you to do all things in Him. Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out anything alone. He is always with you and in you. Let His wisdom, word, and love always guide you. I would come around weekly to share more of God’s word with you so you can grow in His word. After accepting Jesus, the next thing is to grow.

What character do you exhibit as a senior citizen?

Godly or ungodly? Your true character will manifest when tempted or brought under pressure and affliction. Your true nature is what you usually manifest before your natural family, friends, and in secret.

Why senior citizens should manifest godly character.

For our generation to come out of the mess our governments and the world are in today; we must place divine character above human wisdom, work experiences, and social or academic qualifications.

A senior citizen must be of noble character before being genuinely accepted. You must have the integrity to answer a senior citizen. You must be faithful and committed to taking people in your environment to the next level with the right motives, a good attitude, and a shepherd’s heart. That is why pastors, priests, bishops, elders, doctors, teachers, and retired people are primarily considered senior citizens. They are usually advocates of right living and good conscience. They are called fathers, overseers, teachers, ministers, and shepherds. You may be firm, but simultaneously, you must be compassionate and gentle when you correct, instruct, counsel, rebuke, and show love to ordinary citizens. As I said earlier, I would never have been able to get through to the senior citizen who accepted the life of Christ if I had reacted to his cold response rather than with patience, love, and gentleness.

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