Harnessing the power of Decrees by a Christian

Decree To Prepare For Your End

Almighty God, fill me with your righteousness and empower me to contend to the end, in the name of Jesus. Every organized darkness threatening my faith in Christ, be frustrated. Any root of sin in my life, be uprooted by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Every enemy of my relationship with Christ, be frustrated, in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus, flow into my foundation and destroy the root of sin. Almighty God, give me enough grace to stand with Christ to the end, in the name of Jesus.

I receive power never to run away from identifying with Christ forever, in the name of Jesus. Anything in my past, present and future, militating against my relationship with Christ, perish. I refuse to run away from the persecution I must pass through for Christ’s sake, in the name of Jesus. Almighty God, empower me to be an encouragement to the body of Christ. Power to end my life in Christ and make heaven, possess me. Any evil character assigned to separate me from Christ, die, in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, help me never to deny Christ. Power to contend for my faith in Christ till I die, possess me, in the name of Jesus. Anything from the devil and his agent, designed to separate me from Christ, I reject you, in the name of Jesus.

Decree Against Lack Of Knowledge

Father Lord, release Your divine wisdom and knowledge into my life, in Jesus’ name. O Lord, fill my brain with Your knowledge and power. Blood of Jesus, speak me out of every knowledge that is unprofitable to my life, in the name of Jesus. Every enemy of God’s knowledge inside me, I cast you out. Lord Jesus, help me to acquire enough knowledge from above. Father Lord, paralyze every evil imagination working against me, in the name of Jesus.

Every evil mouth opened against God’s Word, close by force, in the name of Jesus. I command every knowledge against God’s knowledge to die. Any agent of Satan delaying God’s program for my life, be frustrated, in the name of Jesus. Fire of God, burn all evil information in my brain to ashes. O Lord, upgrade my brain to accommodate more of Your knowledge, in the name of Jesus.

Every arrow of confusion fired into my brain, I fire you back, in the name of Jesus. Any area of my life that is lacking divine knowledge, receive deliverance. Blood of Jesus, flow into my brain and increase my knowledge, in the name of Jesus. I cast out of my life every enemy of divine knowledge. Any evil spirit that is stealing God’s knowledge from my life, I cast your out. O Lord, fill me with Your knowledge, wisdom and power, in the name of Jesus. Every weapon of lack of knowledge in my life, be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Decree Against Troubles Within

Any agent of Satan assigned to pull down God’s children, be frustrated, in the name of Jesus. Almighty God, expose and disgrace every enemy of God’s children. Blood of Jesus, energize me to overcome every trouble, in the name of Jesus. Any evil force that is living inside of me, I cast you out, in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, deliver me from unfriendly friends. I break every yoke of sin in my life. Any problem in the body of Christ designed to destroy me, die, in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, deliver me from every internal enemy, in the name of Jesus.

Any witch or wizard in our midst, be exposed and disgraced, in the name of Jesus. Any evil counselor that is working against me, be disgraced. Blood of Jesus, speak me out from every trouble, in the name of Jesus. Any strange fire burning inside me, be quenched by force. Every yoke of sin in my life, break to pieces, in the name of Jesus. I walk out from the captivity of internal enemies, in the name of Jesus. You, the enemies in our midst, be frustrated. O Lord, arise and deliver me from the enemies within, in the name of Jesus.

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