The Greatest Defeat of Mankind
The worst defeat of mankind is the loss of the divine image, God’s nature, and His likeness, which were planted in man at creation. As a result, man’s understanding was darkened, his heart deceived and made desperately wicked, his mind and conscience defiled, and his will enslaved. Read carefully: (Ephesians 4:18; 1 Corinthians 2:14; Jeremiah 17:9; Titus 1:15; Romans 7:18).
Living in Captivity to Sin
Many people, including some so-called believers, are overcome by one sinful character or another. Some powers bring them into captivity, compelling them to do things they don’t like. Some have accepted such a lifestyle and excuse themselves by saying they are only human. They are brought down into captivity and subjected to live under such sin until the day they die. They live as slaves to those sinful characters throughout their lives, no longer putting up any resistance (Galatians 5:17).
The Devil’s Will vs. God’s Will
Once you accept sin in your life and fail to resist it, the devil will suppress and oppress you, eventually reigning over every area of your life. This is the will of the devil, his principal demons, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. But the will of God for you is to be redeemed, saved, and sanctified. Christ has paid the full price for your redemption (1 Peter 5:7-9; Luke 22:31-32).
Victory Over Sin: The Foundation of Spiritual Warfare
Victory over sin is the first victory that must be won in your spiritual warfare; without it, every other victory and testimony is useless and empty. Once you accept Jesus into your life as your Lord and Savior, you must first war against the return of sin. This is because believers are destined to overcome sin and Satan until they reign over them with ease. This is the truth we must know to be truly free, according to Scripture (Matthew 13:19, 24-30).
There are evil spirits attached to each sin we committed when we were sinners. At conversion, they are cast out, but they try to reinforce their hold by bringing those sins back into our lives. The beginning of spiritual warfare is to fight and keep yourself from being repossessed by those evil spirits in charge of those sins (Luke 11:24-26).
Believers’ Warfare: The Ongoing Battle
If you fail to fight these evil spirits, they will mess up your life with sinful behaviors. This is what we call believers’ warfare. This is why believers are exhorted to be sober and vigilant after salvation because the battle does not end at salvation. At salvation, the true battle of life begins, and it is called the good fight of faith. Salvation marks the start of every believer’s warfare against the adversary, the devil, who still walks about seeking believers to devour with sin and its consequences. If you claim to be born again, your profession must be tested; that’s what we call the trial of the faith you confess. The devil doesn’t believe you until he resists your confession of faith (1 Peter 5:7-9; Luke 22:31-32).
The Trial of Faith
A believer’s salvation is confirmed by both heaven and hell after engaging in warfare against sin. If you allow the evil spirits responsible for sin to repossess you after being born again, the battle or spiritual warfare will intensify. This is called ‘warfare without and depravity within,’ which makes our struggle much more difficult. When sin is absent within, you can fight effortlessly, and victory is guaranteed. Unfortunately, many believers think the battle is fought and finished at salvation, without passing through the tests or trials of their confession—such ignorance is very dangerous. These ignorant believers are easily overcome by sin through demonic resistance against their faith. Read again, this is very important (Luke 11:24-26).