The Consequences of a Godless Life and the Power of Forgiveness

Elder Mark’s Heart-Wrenching Confession

My wife never supported anything I ever did after I started to eat the meals of devils. She was a faithful woman till she died. She prayed so much for me and our only son, yet I killed her. I killed her and our son for the last sacrifice required for new power, status, and wealth in society. I was a fool, a big fool, I must say. Now, who is spending the money with me? Where is the family to take care of? Have I not set myself up for doom?

I am alone and would die alone in this wicked world. Madueke, don’t ever stop to believe in the Almighty God. This world has nothing to offer, my son. I’m doomed forever.” The last time I heard him cry was over the phone, but now, he was right before me, crying like a baby. I was silent for a second. I wasn’t sure telling him not to cry would solve the problem. He was in a state of condemnation and guilt. It was clear his pain and unwillingness to forgive himself would be his undoing if he continued like that, so I said:

Elder Mark, how long more would you cry before you kill yourself?” That didn’t sound so well to his ears because he looked at me, his eyes wide open and busted out in rage…

“What do you mean?” “Uncle, you are gradually killing yourself already by putting yourself in this condition of grief. You must forgive yourself, receive the forgiveness of sins, and embrace God’s truth, mercy, and love again.”

“It’s like you don’t understand my situation. It’s too late to go back now; I’m dead if I go back now. The vultures would come for me.”

“What do you have to lose? You’re old already, and death is around the corner. Whether you like it or not, you will die soon. Would you rather die and be condemned to eternal damnation or die and enjoy eternal life?”

I wasn’t expecting the response to be another loud cry reminding me that he wasn’t in his right mind. I just wanted him to embrace Jesus. He was already looking like he would join the ancestors soon. But, you see, Elder Mark got up and started to walk out of my house in tears. I was terrified for him. I didn’t understand why a man would not surrender to Christ at the given opportunity at such an old age.

What was he afraid of? Vultures? An occultic group that was empty and powerless before God? My goodness! I was completely speechless as he left and imagined how many more senior citizens were in bondage, tearing and wearing themselves out in pain silently. My heart was heavy for a second. I may not have known other people in Elder Mark’s shoes of deep regret at the time, but I knew Elder Mark and struggled with thoughts of how to help him.

I knew nothing else to do but to begin interceding for him in prayers. 

A Call to Senior Citizens

What is your situation? Whatever state you are in now, I want you to know that God still loves and cares for you. Don’t wander in pain, worry, shame, guilt, condemnation, or what have you? Permit God’s love and wisdom to guide your heart.

Why you should resist the devil and never allow him to invade your life. Don’t give room to the enemy. The job description of the devil is always the same. He came to steal, kill, and destroy. Don’t give him the room to invade your life or the lives of your loved ones with his evil mission. Trust me, I have seen diverse evil done by the devil to men and through men.

The Consequences of Living a Godless Life

What is the consequence of living a Godless life (living a life without having a personal relationship with God)? I have witnessed a situation where worms gradually ate someone alive, and no drugs could cure the person. I have also seen people who lived in deceit, bribery, and falsehood, claimed to be above human destruction, and defeated all that crossed their path, yet fell headlong. They burst asunder amid human security, their bowels, including all they suffered over the years to acquire, gushed out, and they became lighter than nothing and worse than useless in life. In the end, their lives were exposed to all manner of attacks. Every creature rose against them; Satan attacked them with shame, incurable diseases, and death hunted them every day.

The calamities that befall the wicked are tumultuous. It does not end with only the perpetrators. It extends to their children. Their children’s marriages are cursed because those who marry their sons and daughters lose every good thing and die grievous deaths. Some eventually survive but live as walking corpses. Their helpers or people around them forsake them because they are under a curse. Those who live long amongst them often wish to die due to painful sufferings and attacks from every creature.

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