The Influence of Faith-Filled Speech

Victory in Battle

There was a battle between the children of Israel and the Amalek in Rephidim. This was the first battle that the children of Israel fought after they left Egypt (Exodus 17:8-16).

Moses and Aaron went to the top of mountain to consult with God. Hur also climbed the mountain with them and at the end of the battle, the children of Israel prevailed (Deuteronomy 25:17-19).

Redemption & Healing

There was a woman in the Bible that had an issue of blood for twelve years without a cure. Many physicians wanted to help her, but they ended up worsening her problems. She kept looking for solution by visiting many places until she had spent all that she had and her condition even grew worse. She remained in that situation for a very long time until one day she heard about Christ. She believed God for her healing and she came from the behind in the press and touched the helm of Jesus’ garment. Her faith was that if she could touch His garment, she shall be made whole. As soon as she approached Jesus with that faith and touched his garment, the fountain of her blood dried up. Prayer can give you complete redemption and healing (Mark 5:34).

When Miriam became a leper in the wilderness Moses cried unto the Lord saying, heal her now Oh God, I beseech thee and God healed her after seven days (Numbers 12:1-16).

Those who will faithfully use God’s phone number of prayers will not remain under the bondage of sickness and diseases. It is not the will of God for his children to remain under the torment of the devil. He says,

“Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.”

(James 5:14, 15).

Jesus was going around, doing good and one day he entered into a certain city and immediately in that village ten men that were lepers spoke to him from afar off saying “Jesus, have mercy on us.” The voice of faith in prayer secured their healing immediately (Luke 17:11-19).

The problem of many people is that they believe in the strength of their problem and the devil. When a child of God cries unto God in faith, no matter the problem, Jesus will respond. We miss so much because we do not use this phone number to confront our problems. Prayer and faith go together to unlock the door of heaven’s resources and turn the key locking any door. That is why we say that prayer without faith is useless. Using these two weapons together without doubt, fear, discouragement and unbelief we can get our healing and full deliverance from all manner of bondages. Our God is more determined to answer our prayers than we are willing to ask and receive.

Give Direction

A particular family in Israel lost all their males leaving only about five daughters. These ladies boldly approached Moses for the share of their father’s inheritance. Probably other daughters like them were not able to make their own request. Many of such people must have died in their situation, but prayer can make the difference. Many lives have been wasted because of unsaid words. The Scripture says, encourages us to ask and it shall be given us (Matthew 7:7; Numbers 27:1-4).

After their request, Moses did not know what to do immediately, so he sought for direction in prayer to God. He took the matter up to God, and God gave him directives (Numbers 27:5-11). In times of confusion, when we come to the cross road of our life, we should not rush into decision. We should go to God in prayer to seek for clear direction, especially in marriage.

This is very important because man in his natural, unsaved state is ignorant and is not capable of the best direction in times of confusion. We are blind to the future, and in that case, we should go to God in prayer to seek for His directive in times like this.

Even children of God can make painful, heart-breaking and serious mistakes. It happened to Peter in (Acts 10:9-20), and to Samuel in (1 Samuel 16:6, 7). We must go to God in prayer to get full information and direction all the time to avoid regret at last (1 King 13:20-24). We are serving a loving and perfect God who knows the end from the beginning. Believers have made many mistakes, but the God of believers has never made and will never make any mistake. If we fail to ask for his directive, we may turn away from the right part unknowingly and hear the voice of a stranger and follow it to our destruction like the young prophet.

Prayers against Evil Foundation

  1. Every darkness hiding in my foundation, disappear by force, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Every evil arrest of my foundation, be frustrated by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Every evil inheritance existing in my foundation, I reject you by force, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Wind of deliverance, enter into my foundation, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Every evil thing in my foundation, come out and die immediately, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Let the glory of God begin to manifest in my foundation, in the name of Jesus.
  7. By the anointing that breaks every yoke of devil, I break every evil yoke in my foundation, in the name of Jesus.
  8. Heavenly father, arise and clear my foundation from every evil pollution, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Every bad spirit in my foundation, come out and die, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Lord Jesus, speak peace into my foundation, in the name of Jesus.

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