The Omnipotent and Omnipresent God: Power, Wisdom, and His Everlasting Presence

David’s Administrative Wisdom

In David’s administrative wisdom, he mastered the right manner of approach on how to carry everyone along. He spoke to his subjects with wisdom, and as a result, they became extremely loyal and devoted to him. By his divine wisdom, even his enemies found it difficult and almost impossible to identify his faults (2 Samuel 5:1-4).

He was the accepted shepherd boy, the harp player who played the harp to calm the troubled spirit of King Saul. In his submission to divine wisdom, he became the warrior who slew Goliath in his youth and became the hero of his people. Later, he became the king who reigned first at Hebron and thereafter at Jerusalem over all of Israel. By divine wisdom, his reign was totally free from idolatry because he was loyal to God. By divine wisdom, he built a palace, opened highways, trade routes, and secured the prosperity of the kingdom materially.

David’s Deep Piety and Relationship with God

David was a man of deep piety, contrition, and close communion with God. He esteemed the presence of God above every earthly treasure and sought for God’s leading before any major decision (Psalms 84:10, 11).

David never joked with his relationship with God or traded his position in heaven for any material thing. He valued God’s presence above every other thing (1 Samuel 23:10-11; 2 Samuel 2:1). He never depended on his human wisdom but always enquired from the Lord for guidance before action. To maintain his relationship with God, he forgave his offenders. David understood very well, like Job did, that no thought can be withheld from God’s wisdom (Isaiah 40:12-15).

The All-Powerful God

God is “ALL POWERFUL, OMNIPOTENT.” He gathered the whole waters on earth in the hollow of His hand. He meted out heaven with the span and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure. He weighed the mountains in a scale and the hills in a balance. This is the God that the devil and his deceived agents fight against. In His power, He teaches the wise wisdom, but none can teach Him. He counsels all, instructs all, and none can counsel or instruct Him because man, in his best, is altogether lighter than nothing in wisdom before the LORD.

God’s Supreme Knowledge and Power

In the path of knowledge, understanding, and justice, the best among the professors depends on Him to learn. What man describes as big is small in the eyes of God because the nations put together are like a drop in a bucket before Him. They are counted as the smallest dust when measured in divine balance. When He takes up the isles, they are very small in size as nothing in the description. No man can fathom the power of God because they will fail in their comprehension. This is the God that people doubt His ability when they pray because they lack knowledge of who He is. This is the God who says, “Wait for me, seek me, and you will find me.”

God’s Invitation to Seek Him

This is the God I want to introduce to you, and those who seek Him will find Him (Jeremiah 32:17; Daniel 4:35; Isaiah 40:28-31). Look at the heavens and earth; they were made by God without any contribution from any power outside God. There’s absolutely nothing that God cannot do, and with Him on your side, all things are possible. The reputation of the best among men is reputed as nothing before Him. The wisest among men is as good as nothing because He can discover errors unknown to them. In the army of heaven, He does anything He wants; how much more among the inhabitants of the earth? It’s foolishness to question God’s decision because His verdict is final (Matthew 19:26).

No Limitations in God

Limitations and impossibilities are the languages of mortal man; these don’t exist before God. Doubts, failures, discouragement, and hopelessness are a foreign language before the “ALL POWERFUL GOD”; they are non-existent before the Almighty. In times of prayer, waiting upon Him, seeking His face, make no room for fear, doubts, unbelief, or discouragement. These are negative emotions before God; they belong to unbelievers, agents of the devil, and their master, the devil. Deliverance preachers, teachers, and ministers have emphasized so much about the powers of the devil, which may be true; but the “POWER OF GOD” dominates every other power. It is important to note that the power the devil has belongs to God. But it is corrupt, defiled, and contaminated from the day he rebelled against the Almighty (Jude 6, 8).

Believers who are schooled in the school of “GOD’S POWER” have nothing to do with negative circumstances, fear, doubts, unbelief, and discouragement. Because of their new orientation about who God is, His names, and attributes, they don’t have respect for impossibilities. Also, they know that if prayers are not answered, it can never be from God’s side. They look for the fault from outside God because God has no relationship with failure. He is more willing to answer our prayers, to give, to bless, and to perform miracles, signs, and wonders more than we are willing to ask or receive. Believers in the school of “PRAYER AND POWER” sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb (Revelation 15:3).

Moses never joined the defeated all his life or wasted time with the faithless. He fought and conquered, and our Lord Jesus did much more than Moses.

God’s Omnipresence: Present Everywhere

Another divine attribute that no creature can share with God is His “OMNIPRESENT” nature. This means that “GOD IS PRESENT EVERYWHERE” at all times (Genesis 28:15, 16; Joshua 2:11).

This particular attribute of God confirms that nothing can be hidden from God. All things are naked before Him because, with God, there’s no secret under the heavens. It’s the believer’s joy to know that the God we serve is everywhere with us to defend us. When it seems like we are left alone in the midst of enemies or problems, our comfort should be that we are not alone. When we are sleeping, even among enemies, He is with us and can never leave us alone. Jacob’s testimony as a fugitive, a runaway boy in the middle of the bush, was, “Surely the LORD is in this place and I knew it not.” There’s no place you can get to and God will be absent or late in arrival. He is always everywhere before we get there and can never be taken unawares (Psalms 139:7-12). You may keep secrets from mortal men, but nothing is a secret before God; He’s aware of it and can never be taken by surprise. That’s why you must not be afraid of anything as long as you do the right thing.

Victory in God’s Power

The heathen and all your enemies may rage and imagine evil against you, but once God is on your side, their plan is as good as nothing. They may take counsel against you, but God will laugh at them because, before execution, the Lord will have them in derision. Believers who contend for their faith are comfortable in the hand of God, and no evil shall befall them.

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