The Power of God’s Name: Unlocking Deliverance Through Faith

God’s Identity Revealed to Moses

When Moses enquired of God’s name, He told him, ‘I am the LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ Moses knew the history of Israel very well, and all Israel believed that it was only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who could deliver them from Pharaoh and the Egyptian bondage. They had prayed and expected such deliverance, and they had been waiting for His intervention (Exodus 3:15; 6:3; Genesis 3:6-8).

The Assurance of Deliverance Through God’s Name

Immediately Moses heard this name, his faith was quickened, and he believed God. Moreover, this is the only name the children of Israel were waiting for to escape the Egyptian bondage. In a time of hopelessness, this same God appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by the name JEHOVAH. In every situation, whenever this name appeared, no power could stand or question His authority. So, to Moses and the children of Israel, their deliverance was assured with this name in the battlefield. The major reason why many remain in bondage today is that they don’t know how God appears to them. But I can help you know if only you can believe. Listen to me, most of the great men of God you read about in the Scriptures or wish to meet today physically are not better than some of us in any way (Ephesians 2:19-20).

The Path to Personal Deliverance

The reason why people in their generation were delivered is because they believed what they were told. You have only one step to your deliverance, and that step is for you to believe what I am telling you here and now. If you stop whatever you are doing now, repent of all your sins, and ask God to forgive you all your known and unknown sins, your deliverance will be unlocked. If you are determined to forsake those sins and ask Christ to come into your life and take over, you are on the path to total freedom. In this blog, as you read and pray the prayers attached to this book, your bondage will be broken. Through this program, your own God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has appeared; only believe. Immediately Moses confirmed the reality of the name that appeared to him, he boldly left for Egypt to confront Pharaoh. Now that you hear this name, you can confront and conquer your Pharaoh (Galatians 1:1; Psalms 91:1).

The Might of the Almighty

The God we are talking about is the Father of our LORD Jesus, who can raise the dead and quicken mortal bodies. His name is the Almighty, and there is no minus to His mightiness. As you go to Him in prayer after you have genuinely repented, He will break your bondage. There is safety in abiding in His presence and dwelling in His secret place. Do you know that the word ELOHIM, which is translated as God, is used about 2,500 times in the Old Testament and it means ‘THE STRONG ONE’? No true Israelite jokes with the names of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, likewise true Christians. Once that name is mentioned, victory is assured and bondages are broken. The name Almighty God is a threat to the devil and all his agents put together.

The Name of Jesus: The Secret to Breaking Bondage

Let me reveal to you one important secret: Do you know that all the names of God the Father are inside Jesus? If you didn’t know this before, begin to use the name of Jesus to break your bondage now that you do. When Christ came to this world fully equipped with these names, He broke every bondage. Through this name, He healed all manner of sicknesses and diseases (Matthew 4:23-25).

As He was teaching people about the Almightiness of God and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, all those who were possessed were delivered. Devils were cast out, the lunatic destroyed, and people with palsy were set free at the mention of the name of Jesus. For the first time since the time of Moses, a leper was cleansed when he listened to the sermon of Christ. Immediately Christ saw that this leper believed Him, He said, ‘Be clean,’ and that was all (Matthew 8:1-4).

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