Activating the Quickening Power of God’s Grace

How to activate the quickening power of God and maximize it for your deliverance and freedom.

To activate the quickening power of God and maximize it for your deliverance and freedom, start by fostering a deep connection with God through prayer, fasting, and sincere worship. Cultivate unwavering faith in His ability to intervene in your life circumstances. Speak God’s promises over yourself daily, letting His Word guide your thoughts and actions. Surrender completely to His will, repenting of any sin, and embracing obedience to His Word. Surround yourself with a supportive community of believers who can encourage and pray with you. Through these practices, you can experience God’s transformative power in your life, leading to deliverance and freedom.

These prayer points can be used to destroy the spirit of disobedience.

Here are prayer points to destroy the spirit of disobedience:

1. Repentance and Submission: “Father, forgive me for any disobedience or rebellion in my life. Help me to submit fully to Your will and authority.”

2. Renewal of Mind: “Lord, renew my mind with Your Word. Help me to understand Your commands and obey them willingly.”

3. Spiritual Warfare: “In the name of Jesus, I break every stronghold of disobedience and rebellion over my life. I declare freedom and obedience to God’s will.”

4. Holy Spirit’s Guidance: “Holy Spirit, guide me into all truth and convict me of any disobedience. Help me to walk in obedience and righteousness.”

What prayer points can be used to frustrate the activity of the prince of the air and the spirit that works in the lives of the children of disobedience?

Here are prayer points to frustrate the activity of the prince of the air and the spirits that work in the lives of the children of disobedience:

1. Binding and Rebuking: “In the name of Jesus, I bind and rebuke every spirit of darkness and deception that operates in the spiritual realm and influences disobedience.”

2. Authority in Christ: “I declare my authority in Christ over every principality and power that opposes God’s will in my life and in the lives of others.”

3. Protection and Shield: “Lord, surround me with Your divine protection and shield me from the schemes and attacks of the enemy. Let Your light dispel every form of darkness.”

4. Prayer of Intercession: “Father, I intercede for those who are ensnared by disobedience and deception. May Your truth and grace penetrate their hearts, bringing them to repentance and freedom.”

What is sufficient grace and how can one tap into the dividends of such grace?

Sufficient grace is the divine favor and strength God provides to meet every need and overcome every challenge, signifying that His grace is enough to sustain and empower us, no matter the circumstances. To tap into the dividends of sufficient grace, place your full trust in God’s promises, believing that His grace is always available and sufficient for you. Consistently seek God’s presence through prayer, acknowledging your need for His grace, and relying on Him in every situation. Regularly meditate on God’s Word to understand and embrace the promises of His grace, letting them renew your mind and strengthen your faith. Humble yourself before God, admitting your weaknesses and surrendering your plans and desires to His will, allowing His grace to work in and through you. Act on God’s instructions and guidance, trusting that His grace will enable you to accomplish His purposes and live a victorious life.

The tips on activating the mercy of God that can keep you ready and qualified for heaven.

To activate the mercy of God and keep yourself ready and qualified for heaven, consistently seek God’s forgiveness through heartfelt repentance, acknowledging and turning away from your sins. Develop a humble and contrite heart, recognizing your need for God’s mercy and grace in every aspect of your life. Cultivate a lifestyle of prayer, regularly communing with God and asking for His mercy to cleanse and renew you. Immerse yourself in God’s Word, allowing His truth to guide your actions and decisions, aligning your life with His will. Show mercy and forgiveness to others, as God’s mercy toward us is mirrored in our merciful actions toward those around us.

What are the riches of God’s grace and What prayer points can be used to activate the manifestation of the riches of God’s grace so that you can be delivered from every problem?

The riches of God’s grace include His boundless love, forgiveness, redemption, wisdom, and strength, which He generously bestows upon us through Jesus Christ. These riches empower us to live victorious lives, free from sin and filled with divine purpose.

To activate the manifestation of the riches of God’s grace, you can pray:

– Lord, I thank You for the riches of Your grace that You have lavished upon me. I ask that Your grace manifests powerfully in my life, delivering me from every problem and enabling me to live in victory.

– Father, I humbly come before You, seeking Your abundant grace. Let Your grace be sufficient for me in every situation, and let it bring about my deliverance and restoration.

God of all grace, fill me with Your wisdom and understanding. Help me to walk in the fullness of Your grace, overcoming every challenge and fulfilling Your purpose for my life.

– Lord, by the power of Your grace, break every chain of bondage and set me free from all forms of oppression. Let Your grace bring healing, strength, and redemption to every area of my life.


Father Lord, deliver me from the wages of sin, by the power of your grace, in the name of Jesus. Let every property of death in my life be destroyed by the power of God’s grace, in the name of Jesus.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord“. Romans 6:23

Let the gift of God manifest in my life by the power of God’s mercy, in the name of Jesus. Almighty God, prepare me for eternal life in heaven with Christ by your mercy, in the name of Jesus. Let every enemy of my relationship with God be exposed and disgraced, in the name of Jesus. Almighty God, quicken me by your grace and deliver me from all trespasses, in the name of Jesus.

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast“. Ephesians 2:4-9

Any spirit of disobedience in my life, I bind and cast you out, in the name of Jesus. Any evil power working against the total manifestation of God’s grace in my life, I bind and cast you out in the name of Jesus. Let the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that works in the children of disobedience, avoid me forever by God’s grace, in the name of Jesus. By the power of God’s riches in mercy, I receive sufficient grace to defeat Satan in the name of Jesus. Let the riches of God’s grace take me away from every problem, in the name of Jesus.

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