Experiencing God’s Provision and Peace through His Covenant Names

God’s Plan for Deliverance through His Names

In God’s plan to deliver man from the bondage of the devil, He revealed Himself through several names. The first one on my list is JEHOVAH JIREH, which means “The Lord will Provide” (Genesis 22:13-14).

Immediately the devil saw that Abraham was going to oppose his kingdom, and he attacked his wife Sarah with barrenness. The devil hates and fights anyone who has a covenant with God, so he attacked Abraham. Not only did he attack him with barrenness, but he also attacked him with lack and influenced him to go to Egypt for help (Genesis 12:10-13, 18).

Your famine may be different from Abraham’s, but the truth is that famine here represents problems. Without asking God for a way out, Abraham went down to Egypt. Upon his arrival, he told a lie and compelled his wife to follow suit, as he was operating outside of divine coverage. Though he later escaped famine, the barrenness persisted until his old age. But Abraham consistently walked with God until God intervened and blessed him with a son named Isaac in his old age (Genesis 21:1-3). Much later, God asked Abraham to give Him back the child through a burnt sacrifice. As he presented his only son Isaac for a sacrifice in obedience, God Himself provided a ram in place of Isaac. That’s the first time the name JEHOVAH JIREH came, meaning “The Lord our Provider” (Genesis 22:7-8, 13-14).

God’s Provision through Repentance

If you repent and align yourself with God’s covenant, God will provide all your needs and provide you a way of escape from all your problems. So, as you pray with the name “JEHOVAH JIREH” in mind, all your problems will be solved. “JEHOVAH JIREH” will provide and make a way where there is no way as you get involved in this program (John 4:10; 3:16).

When you give your life to God through Christ, He can give you anything, no matter the size. Deliverance becomes easy when you surrender your life to Christ and pray in faith. For God to send His only Son to die for us is serious evidence that every other thing can and will be provided for us through Christ. So, once you link up with Christ through repentance, everything will be provided.

Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace

Another very important name is “JEHOVAH SHALOM,” meaning “The Lord our Peace” (Judges 6:23-24). During the days of Gideon, the Midianites tormented them for seven years. It was so bad that everyone in Israel was practically living in fear, both inside their homes and on their farmland. When Gideon eventually encountered God, he became very terrified, but God assured him of peace and life. From that day, God’s presence brought peace and abundant life to believers on earth, and even more so with the appearance of Christ. So, when you are in trouble or suffering from fear and all manner of demonic harassment unto death, call upon JEHOVAH SHALOM, and peace will show up (Isaiah 53:5; Colossians 1:20).

Peace through the Sacrifice of Christ

God allowed His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to be wounded and chastised so that we could have peace. Don’t forget, it is by His stripes that we ARE healed, not ‘will be’ healed. If you understand the full reason why Christ accepted the stripes, you will not allow sickness and disease to feast on any part of your body. The shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross brought peace into every believer’s life. I hope you understand the kind of peace I am talking about.

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