Noah’s Ark: Obedience and Trust in God

“The biblical account of Noah’s Ark serves as a timeless model of unshakable trust and devotion to God amid a world full of turmoil and rebellion. This tale from the book of Genesis tells not just the account of a man constructing an ark but also of his unwavering faith in God in the face of impossibly difficult circumstances, encapsulating Noah and the flood and the broader Noah’s Ark Bible story.

The Order to Construct the Ark

Noah lived at a period when there was a great deal of violence and corruption on earth relative to God. God made the decision to unleash a flood to rid the planet of its immorality after seeing the corruption in the world. However, God decided to spare Noah and his family because of their righteousness. God gave Noah detailed instructions on building the ark that would hold his family as well as pairs of every living thing on Earth, demonstrating his trust in God’s promises in Genesis.

“And God said to Noah, ‘Behold, I will destroy them with the earth; for through them is the earth filled with violence; the end of all flesh is come before me.’ Build an ark out of gopher wood for yourselves; create chambers within the ark and fill it with pitch both inside and out (Genesis 6:13–14).

Noah’s Reaction

Noah made the decision to follow through in spite of the enormous undertaking and the doubts that he probably encountered from his peers. He obeyed God‘s instructions without hesitation or inquiry, embodying obedience to God and spiritual obedience. The Torah says this plainly:

“Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he” (Genesis six:22).

The essence of genuine obedience and trust is captured in this sentence. Noah set a strong example for all of us by acting in a way that showed his whole trust in God’s word.

The Deluge

The waters arrived as God had predicted when the ark was finished. Every living creature that was not aboard the ark perished as a result of the forty days and forty nights of rain and rising floods. God’s promise to Noah was kept, even if His judgment was carried out as a result.

“And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered” (Genesis seventeen).

Life Following the Deluge

Noah and his family emerged from the ark with the animals and began afresh when the seas subsided. Building an altar to the Lord and making sacrifices there in appreciation for God’s protection and kindness was Noah’s first action.

“And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar” (Genesis 8:20, emphasis added).

God established a covenant with Noah after being satisfied with his offerings and vowed never to wipe out all life with a flood. The rainbow served as a symbol of this covenant.

“And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth” (Genesis 9:11, 12).

Lessons from the Story of Noah’s Ark

We learn a lot about the value of obedience and faith in God from Noah’s Ark. When God gave Noah instructions, he had no idea how things would turn out in the end or the whole picture. Nevertheless, he obeyed God and put all of his confidence in him. This narrative exhorts us to pay attention to God’s voice and follow His instructions, even when they seem difficult or nonsensical to us.

Not only is the account of Noah historical, but it also serves as a call to action for all Christians. It pushes us to consider how our obedience and confidence in God relate to our own life. Let us keep Noah in mind as we navigate different choices and hardships. Noah was a follower of God who was rescued by faith.

Points of prayer

This contemplation of Noah’s life and his remarkable faith offers us helpful direction in our spiritual path in addition to inspiration. Let us make an effort to totally rely on God’s flawless and dependable promises, just as Noah did, and to emulate his obedience and confidence.”

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