The Fatherhood of God and the Rights of His Children

The Unique Qualities of God

There are some inherent characteristics and qualities that pertain to God alone, which He doesn’t share with any mortal. When He enters into such an office, no one dares to enter or share such a place with Him. We are talking about God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. First, let us discuss the fatherhood of God to all believers who are qualified to be sons and daughters by reason of receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior (John 1:12; Matthew 6:6, 8, 32).

God is the Father of all believers through the covenant of redemption. You are therefore required to commune with Him, bearing in mind that you are talking to your Father, who created all things and is also able to do all things. Before you ask God for anything, you must be convinced that He is your Father and that He would love to do anything to make you happy as His child. If God sees you as His child, you must recognize Him also as your Father. You should approach God as a child in prayer, not like a slave before his master (Matthew 7:7-11).

Why Some Ask and Don’t Receive

The reason why many ask and don’t receive is that they are not God’s children by redemption. Even some of the redeemed are not bold, so when they ask, they don’t receive because they ask in doubt. If you are born again and truly know your rights, you will get whatever you ask when you approach God in faith, ready to receive. No true believer will seek God genuinely and fail to find Him; and if you knock, it shall be opened to you. This is what we call waiting upon the Lord, which is the subject of consideration. But before you can wait effectively, you must know Him and believe that He is your Father. You must know His names and attributes and be convinced that He is your Father.

God’s Willingness to Answer

Another thing you have to know is that your heavenly Father is better, richer, and more willing to answer your prayers than your earthly father. He is more ready to help you than all the good fathers on earth can help their loving children. You cannot ask your earthly father for bread, and he will give you a stone—never. No good earthly father can give his loving child a serpent instead of a fish. If it’s rare and almost impossible for a sinful earthly father to refuse to give their children what they ask for, then our heavenly Father will never refuse to answer you when you pray. Moreover, your earthly father may not even have what their earthly children ask for. But our heavenly Father has all that we will ever ask for and is ever willing to give us more than we can ever ask (Matthew 7:8; Psalm 103:13).

Fearing God and Respecting His Commandments

To fear God means to have respect for His words and commandments. It means to do everything possible, even in the face of death, to obey Him and stand against anything that opposes His word. If you have respect for your father, you will do everything possible to keep his rules; that’s what we mean by fearing God. Believers who keep God’s commandments are bold to ask for anything, and it will be given to them (Luke 15:20-24, 31).

There’s a level to which you can reach in your relationship with your heavenly Father, where you will begin to receive certain things even before you ask. There’s a level of consecration you can attain, with a determination to remain faithful to God, and you will get more than you ask for.

Understand that all that God has belongs to you. It’s an insult for a child of God to live like a slave, to accept poverty or failure. All that God has—everything good—belongs to believers even before they ask.

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