Unlocking the Power of Deliverance: How to Overcome Demonic Bondage Through Christ.

How Demons Enter the Body and Their Destructive Effects

When demons enter the body, they cause people to be sick, weak, and confused. Most times, they bring fear, lack, poverty, suffering, and death. They enter through sin or by evil consultation with their agents or people who have familiar spirits. If you are attached to false prophets, witch doctors, or any satanic agents, demons can possess you. Most of these prophets are demonized and practice fortune-telling and hypnotism. Whichever way they enter, their aim is to oppress their victim if they fail to resist them (James 4:7). The only way to resist them is through hearing what you are hearing now and by prayer. By the time you finish this program, I have counsel to give you (John 5:14).

The Key to Lasting Deliverance: Avoiding Sin

I am convinced that your bondage will be broken after reading this article, but one thing is very important—avoid sin. The problem with many deliverance ministers and deliverance candidates is rooted in their inability to leave sin alone. This needs to be emphasized if you must maintain your deliverance and enjoy an abundant life. As you repent, confess your sins, and forsake them, God’s Spirit, with all His names, enters into you. If you go back to sin, God’s Spirit leaves you, and an evil spirit enters and takes over (1 Samuel 16:14-15).

This is one of the most important pieces of information you need as you pray. God’s Spirit doesn’t stay in the same body or place as demons. If you want God’s presence, stay away from sin and keep yourself clean. You may be asking, ‘How do I achieve this?’ Let’s see how Peter and Paul counseled the believers in their time (1 Peter 5:8-9; Ephesians 4:27).

Staying Vigilant: Guarding Against Repossession

Peter wrote to his deliverance candidates to be sober and vigilant, just as I am writing to you now. You ask why? The reason is that the demon you cast out is not dead, no matter how much you pray for them to die. They are still walking around your environment looking for another opportunity to repossess you. Their assignment is to destroy you as they did to others in your family, class, or area. So, you have to be careful in all that you do. As a believer, you have to be abstemious, not addicted to anything or allow anything to rule over you that is against God’s word. Do things moderately without going to the extreme. With this, you will not give the devil a place in your life to re-enter you. That’s what it means to take vigilant watch over your life (Matthew 12:43-45). Guide your heart against any occult practice and destroy any satanic property in your possession. Avoid close relationships or friendships with sinful neighbors, friends, and relatives; yet live peaceably with them as much as possible (Romans 8:11; Mark 16:17-18).

Living in Righteousness: Protecting Yourself from Demonic Attacks

If you follow this advice, God’s Spirit will remain in you, and you can cast out demons anywhere. Your body will be the property of God, and He will defend you at all times. With a life of righteousness, whenever a problem arises, they will see a danger sign all over you. They will see the name of Christ in you, and the wise demons will run away. If any foolish demon tries to attack you, you will cast them out. If they resist, you will burst into tongues, and they will bow and surrender to the authority of Christ in you. You need to get a copy of my book titled “21/40 Nights of Decrees and Your Enemies Will Surrender.” If you maintain your deliverance, you are entitled to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19; 9:1).

With this title deed and authority, no problem will last long in your life. All believers are authorized to destroy demons and the diseases they carry. The powers behind the problems in the world put together are less than the power Christ gave to a single believer (John 14:12-14; Matthew 18:18-19).

The Authority of Believers

Finally, believers are entitled to use the name of Christ to ask for anything. If you ask with faith, not doubting, you will receive because your well-being glorifies Christ’s name on earth. If you ask rightly in the name of Christ, God will happily release the answer. Believers can bind and loose anything, and no other power can stop it. The heavenly host is waiting for sinless believers to bind or loose, and they will place a heavenly seal upon it. No power from any satanic kingdom can see a heavenly seal and tamper with it.

The Power that Conquers All: Seek Spiritual Authority Over Wealth

The devil cannot authorize any demon, evil spirit, or his agents to approach a heavenly seal, much less touch it. I advise you, while others are seeking money, silver, gold, and other things, to seek this power. With this power, Peter conquered a problem that lasted for forty years (Acts 3:6-8). With this power, you can walk into a class of people you never dreamed of in life. With this power, you can gather wealth and riches. With this power, you can speak to proud demons and say, ‘Hold your peace and come out,’ and they will obey. With this power, you can do practically anything, and nothing can stop you. With this power, all your problems will bow and surrender forever.

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