The Silent Advancements of the Islamic Agenda and the Call for Christian Vigilance

The Rise of Sadiq Khan: A Testament to Islamic Persistence

In the late 1990s, the Muslim world promised that by year 2020, the Mayor of London would be a Muslim. They started working very hard for it. They did not have to wait that long, they just achieved that feat, 4 year ahead of the deadline. Sadiq Khan, born in 1970, and whose Father was a bus driver that immigrated to the UK from Pakistan in the 1960’s became the first Muslim Mayor of London. He is a Briton, but a Muslim. He ran for election on the platform of the Labor Party and won convincingly.

Muslims are never in a hurry to achieve their set goals. They give it time to actualize. They never relent. He defeated a Millionaire, Zac Goldsmith, who incidentally is a Jew and obviously enjoyed the support of the present Prime Minister – David Cameron. Guess where he was sworn in: Inside the Southwark Cathedral; a church.

The swearing in was done by a Reverend Gentleman. Trust that he would have sworn by a Quran only, and not a Bible. When he entered the Cathedral, guess what he did as the people gave him a standing ovation. He Announced Loudly, “I am Sadiq Khan, and I am the Mayor of London.” That was significant. He was saying to the Christians “We have done it.” Luke 16:8 says, ‘For the Children of this world are in their generation wiser than the Children of Light.

May the Lord help us all. Another question of great importance is, while their Islamic agenda is moving on, where and how are we executing our own Christian agenda? Have we not refused to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ? Which is the Christian agenda?

The Islamic Economic Strategy: Control through Financial Influence

The Central Bank of Nigeria granted Jaiz Bank a national license to operate Islamic interest-free banking in all the 36 states of the Federation. The Sultan of Sokoto, who is the head of all Muslims in Nigeria, has warned that being an Islamic bank, whatever Jaiz does must conform to the rules and regulations of Islam.

Jaiz has also set up Takaful Islamic insurance. Brethren, the game plan is this: the Islamic religion wants to control the economy, but wants to do it in a subtle ‘legal way’. He who controls the economic power controls all. Remember that the richest man in the whole of Africa is Aliko Dangote. He controls 54% of the nation’s industries not only in Nigeria but in other parts of Africa. You do want to pray for the church now, right?

Very soon, you, your children, or siblings will be looking for jobs at Jaiz Bank or Jaiz Insurance and you will be asked as part of the conditions of service to wear hijab to work. You will be compelled to pray five times a day because they will compel all workers to pray their prayers. Do not forget that they will ask you to work on Sundays and of course, they will give you fantastic pay until they finally buy your souls over to Islam. If you are already married, they will force your kids to attend their Islamic schools because they would have attached your job incentives to it as part of the conditions of service.

The Call for Christian Vigilance and Prayer

Soldiers of the Cross, why won’t you arise in the place of prayers that God should thwart the counsels of the ungodly? Why won’t you mourn like Mordecai, Esther and the Jews in a time like this? The end is near. If the horror fails to materialize fully in our days, what about our children? O, brethren, it is time to arise and pray as never before. If your pastor has not shared this information with your church all these years, then something must be wrong somewhere. I asked myself this strong question everyday: Can I really lay down my life for the sake of Christ and His gospel? Please take time to read this, it will definitely help

Important Facts about Turkey

  • The spiritual foundation of Turkey is stronger than that of Nigeria and Ghana, and Christianity existed for over 1000 years in Turkey unlike ours, which is only 172 years, but Islam radicalism uprooted the church in Turkey. If it can happen in Turkey, it can also happen here, if we are not careful.
  • The menace of Boko Haram has destroyed many churches in the Northern Nigeria and it may take another 200 years to evangelize Borno State alone.
  • There is a secret agenda to Islamize Nigeria and other African nations as contained in Abuja declaration of 1989.
  • Do not say it cannot happen here. If we fail to right our wrongs as a church, then disaster is imminent. God forbid!

Solutions to Islamization

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