God’s Faithfulness: Unshakable Promises and the Path to the Promised Land

God’s Faithfulness to His Word

When you cue into God’s word in faith, you will not be disappointed. God is so faithful to watch over His word until it is fulfilled. It can convert negatives to positives and cause it to remain steadfast in the face of enemies. God’s word can enter into the dividing asunder of the repented sinful soul and convert it to become holy. It can deliver from bondage, bring victims to liberty, and bless the repentant who was once cursed (Ezekiel 12:25). Whatever God speaks comes to pass, no matter who stands against it because He stands to watch His words fulfilled (Romans 3:4; 1 Corinthians 1:9).

Abraham’s Promise and Israel’s Wilderness Journey

Abraham was nobody when God promised to give him the ancestral land of many strong nations. Those nations heard it and vowed to defend their father’s land handed over to them from generation to generation by their ancestors. After the promise was made, the nation Israel, the physical children of Abraham, entered into Egyptian bondage as a result of sin. They were slaves in that foreign land for many years—about four hundred years. But one day, God called Moses to demand their deliverance from the Egyptians’ authority. They resisted God’s word, but none can succeed in resisting the Almighty. One day, their bondage was broken, and they moved out of Egypt and lived in the wilderness under different tents for many years. You may be presently going through your wilderness experience, suffering without help. The children of Israel suffered extensively in the wilderness, but the presence of God was with them in those tents. As they moved from one tent to another, the enemies in the land heard it.

Holding On to God’s Promises Despite Opposition

People asked them where they were going, and their response had always been, “We are going to the Promised Land,” right from when they were in Egypt. They were homeless for many years, under severe weather conditions—cold or hot. They were exposed to danger from wild animals and from trained soldiers in their Promised Land who were ready to attack them. Even when they were mocked and tagged jokers, confused people, and vagabonds, they held onto the promise God made to their fathers. Enemies from many nations rose against them, but they never prevailed over them (Deuteronomy 2:17-19; Numbers 22:10-11).

The Journey to the Promised Land

The journey was too long and full of troubles, but eventually, they got to the border of the Promised Land. I don’t know where you are now in your journey of life, but you will get to your Promised Land. The descendants of evil worshippers in the Promised Land were determined to stop the children of Israel from entering the land. They were energized by the gods their fathers served in the land for many generations. Just like the children of Israel, every born-again Christian has a physical Promised Land, an inheritance; a place of rest here on earth. If you abide in Christ’s word and His words abide in you, you will get to your place in life. Though you may be going through your wilderness experience now—homeless or living in tents—you will not end where you are now. You may be a tenant, homeless, or under the fire of persecution; you will surely get to your prepared place. You may be under the fire of contention, division, or betrayal; you will surely get to your Promised Land. You may be suffering poverty, hardship, or conspiracy; don’t give up. Your fire may be oppression, injustice, and denial of your right; continue in the LORD and don’t give up (1 Corinthians 1:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:24; Hebrews 6:18).

Fellowship with God Brings Fulfillment of Promises

The day you got born again, God and the hosts of heavenly angels called you into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ. Don’t break that fellowship, no matter what you are going through now. If you want to benefit from God’s faithfulness, join this fellowship. Fellowship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the only fellowship that will qualify you to benefit from God’s faithfulness. God who has called us into this fellowship is Himself faithful to bring us to eternal rest (2 Timothy 2:13).

God’s Faithfulness Even in Our Unfaithfulness

Even in our unfaithfulness to God, He remains faithful, awaiting our turnaround to fulfill His promises to us. When He promised the seed of Abraham a land flowing with milk and honey, they broke fellowship with Him, but He remained faithful. They broke His commandment, went out, and gathered manna on the Sabbath day (Exodus 16:27-31), yet He still remained faithful. Aaron built an idol, and all the children of Israel ignored divine fellowship (Exodus 32:1-33); God remained faithful to His promises. In the wilderness, they complained and murmured against God (Numbers 11:1-10; 16:41-43), yet God kept to His promises. They broke fellowship again with God when they murmured against Moses, Aaron, and even against God Himself (Numbers 20:1-13; 21:4-5), but God kept to His word. No matter what you have done, how far away you have gone from God, His faithfulness is forever (Hebrews 6:18).

Restoration of Fellowship and Fulfillment of Promises

One day, with all the enemies of Israel in the land of promise, God saw faithfulness in the lives of the children of Israel and fulfilled His promise. They restored their fellowship with God, confessed their sins, and forsook them, and the awaiting promises manifested. Their enemies’ weapons became useless before the faithful God (Joshua 21:43-45). Entering into fellowship with God and remaining faithful brings God’s promises to fulfillment. Again, no sinner, no matter how rich, influential, or powerful, can keep what he has while a faithful believer who knows his right stays out of God’s blessings. No sinner is a permanent owner of whatever he or she has; it can be taken away at any time by the owner and the creator of the whole universe. True believers are the rightful heirs of God, and they have the right to every good thing on earth by inheritance. If you are a believer but you are suffering, get ready to enjoy. If you are facing hardship, it will end today as long as you are in fellowship with God and remain faithful to His words. This is the time to enter into a deeper relationship with God and remain faithful till the end.


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