War Against the Spirit of Jezebel in Ministry

The Influence of the Jezebel Spirit on Ministers

Ministers who are possessed with the spirit of Jezebel are wicked but they become more wicked when they are bewitched to marry women or men with such spirits. Once they possess a pastor, an overseer, the one in charge of any group, their first aim is to destroy the good people around their victim. They flame up righteous people, frustrate holiness teachers and replace them with their agents. They frustrate good ministers within and without the ministry. If you insist on remaining, they will place you under attacks, problems until they kill your ministry and force you to compromise. If you go out, they will still attack you to make sure you do not succeed in ministry, business or anything you try to do. Jezebel spirit’s target is against God’s true servants and their anointing.

‘For it was so, when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the LORD, that Obadiah took an hundred prophets, and hid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water’ (1 Kings 18:4).

‘Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel’s table’ (1 Kings 18:19).

They fight true ministers; replace them with false prophets, teachers and evil leaders. They can hire false prophets, gather all their old members, especially women who no longer give birth, place them on salary to pray and fast against God’s servants who left their ministry. Jezebel can pay false prophets and prophetess to do any evil against God’s ministers. If you are at her good book, you are sure of big branch in the ministry, good benefits and promotions without hard work. She can place a royal Jezebel spirit filled minister and empower them to use offering money without accounting to it. You can eat at her table all through your life on earth. If you leave a Jezebel controlled ministry, you must prepare for war. They vow to see that nobody leave their ministry and prosper.

The Methods and Impact of the Jezebel Spirit

‘And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people’ (1Kings 21:9).

‘They proclaimed a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people’ (1Kings 21:12).

When you are under the attacks of the spirit of Jezebel, you have to be strong. Their first aim is to dominate you, overcome you and use you to achieve their aim inside the ministry. To achieve that, she has to seduce you to commit fornication with her. The fornication here means to seduce you and bring you under the control of many, few or at least a sinful lifestyle you can never say no to all your life. By so doing, they will make you a candidate of hell fire, a child of devil and kill your relationship with God forever. The second is to use you to bring other people in the ministry, around you under such sins and reduce you to a seducer through such sinful practices. They can allow you to be an unconscious member of their group but they can never allow you to live without such sinful lifestyle. After that, every good thing in your life will begin to have problems. Your ministry, job, business, marriage and all that gives you joy will begin to die gradually. Because you are under the yoke of sin, the more you pray for deliverance, the more your attack increases. If you seek for their help, deliverance, they will give you deliverance prayer to pray but you can never get deliverance with the yoke of sin in your life.

If you seek for deliverance in another ministry, they will hire their conscious members who eat or benefit at their table to pray and fast against you. If you dare leave their ministry, they will release demons from their kingdom to bear witness against you, influence people to hate you and reject you everywhere you go. They will cause you to make terrible and painful unimaginable mistakes that will cause good people and good things to avoid you. They will set you up; possess weak people to attack you and to frustrate your efforts in life. They will spiritually block your way and physically invoke enemies against you anywhere you go. People will hate you without knowing why they hate you. They will increase your battles, disorganize you and force you to seek help in wrong places. If you have anyone in your family, church or office with the spirit of Jezebel, you need Christ and Him alone to deliver you. Ministers who left them go through a lot of battle and if really they have anything against you, you will suffer terribly. That is why most ministers like that enter into cultism to survive under double bondage.

‘And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and withal how he had slain all the prophets with the sword. Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time’ (1 Kings 19:1-2).

Surviving the Attacks of the Jezebel Spirit

If you want to leave such ministry, I advise you, leave with clear mind. Do not remove any of their things, property or money. Have a clear conscience and make sure you are guided by God. Jezebel spirit has messengers, agents in every office all over the world. They have powerful network to locate anyone under them before in a movement of time. They are under oath with gods to kill, destroy any enemy. They can use the weapons of hunger, thirst, lack and the whole creature to fight. Even the righteous victim with clear mind is not spared. You must have knowledge, wisdom and be an expert to use the weapons of warfare to survive their attacks. The message of jezebel alone to Elijah was very destructive and scarring. Elijah who fought many battles and won ran away from ordinary voice of witchcraft. They can release fear from the throne of fear to attack even righteous servants of God how much less a sinner. Elijah ran away and abandoned his servants, forgot his responsibility. He preferred death instead of life and prayed for it. Many children of God are being pursued today by the voice of witchcraft. Their arrows of sickness, poverty, lack, hunger and good things of this world are worse than death. Many people who commit suicide are as a result of witchcraft voice pursuing them. Jezebel spirit can attack a man, deny you of your rights, benefits, entitlement and chase many helpers and good witness far away from your reach. When she was attacking Naboth for his vineyard, all his relations, friends and helpers abandoned him to suffer and die alone. That is why some people will have rich relations, prosperous friends and yet suffer without helpers. That is why some people lose every good thing they have in the battle field of life and yet die.

If you are under the judgment of the spirit of Jezebel, all your helpers will not be around in the time of your trouble. Those who are around will not understand why they are not assisting you. The problem from the spirit of Jezebel will take your vineyard and still kill you in shame. You may have children, wife, brothers, friends but they will not give you job or render any help to you. They will watch you to suffer under pains, wants and sorrow unto death. People will know the truth but they will not talk. They will have the opportunity to save you, help you and make you great but they will not act. Everybody will hate you, fight you and those who will not join them will watch you suffer and die. This is the spirit that possessed the woman in the church at Thyatira and every minister bowed. They allowed her to teach prophecy and seduce God’s servants. She overcame the ministers, seduced them and took over the pulpit. The senior pastor, the overseer and all the workers abandoned the bible study, teaching ministry for her to decide who teach. The woman took over everything and seduced God’s servants. There are many churches like that everywhere today. No more teaching, evangelism. Everything is deliverance, prayer, prophesy and entertainment with no emphasis on the need of repentance and the word of God.

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